CRP’s Lunchtime Launches: Town Centre Futures

2nd March 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP’s third Lunchtime Launch of the series will take place on Thursday 25th March 2021, 1:15pm – 2:00pm. We will be joined by Westminster City Council’s Debbie Jackson and Centre for London’s Richard Brown to launch CRP’s latest commissioned report into Town Centre Futures. Detailed insights will be added by CRP’s Project Officer Rachael Aldridge.
Please sign up for free here.  
Town Centre Futures will showcase 10 different typologies of London Town Centres, in order to demonstrate practical recommendations for creating successful, complementary futures as we emerge from COVID-19. Transport, environment, economic and health factors will all be tackled together.

If you missed CRP’s most recent Lunchtime Launch on Making Monitoring Meaningful: Planning Transport in the Covid Era, you can view the full recording here and see all associated materials here. We were very pleased to be joined by 98 audience members from across the Local Authority, Business Improvement District, Government Agency, Consultancy, Think Tank spectrum.

For more information, please contact CRP’s Director Susannah Wilks.

CRP’s Staff Spotlight On: Fiona Coull

16th February 2021 / Posted by Fiona Coull

This week we are featuring CRP’s Project Manager Fiona Coull, who is leading on CRP’s Healthy Streets Everyday (HSE) Programme and Vivacity Monitoring Project.

As part of my role on CRP’s Healthy Streets Everyday project, I really enjoy working with partners to deliver initiatives that make London’s streets pleasant, safe places for all to enjoy.
There are so many elements associated with the Heathy Streets approach that I’ve been able to help implement a wide range of initiatives. For example, we have worked with partners to install green screening, provide Dr Bike sessions, install parklets, undertake monitoring, install school streets and more! This also links well with my role overseeing CRP’s Vivacity Monitoring Project, as many of the HSE initiatives we are helping to implement need to be monitored to ensure they are having the desired effect. Working with lots of people on lots of different things does mean that my job at CRP can be quite challenging. However, it is also very rewarding – getting to hear how something you’ve helped do has positively impacted communities and businesses is always a good feeling, which is what I enjoy most about working at CRP!

Your Future London

16th February 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Centre for London is working with the Mayor of London, London boroughs, businesses, universities, charities and Londoners to create a shared vision for London to 2050 and beyond as part of the London Future Review.

The Your Future London online platform gives Londoners the chance to have their say in the city’s future. This is part of city-wide consultation, aiming to build a shared vision for London. Make choices between a range of potential policy ideas, from lower taxes to safer streets, cleaner air to free public transport.

If you could decide, what would you want to see in London’s future?

World Day of Social Justice

16th February 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

World Day of Social Justice, 20th February, has been celebrated each year since 2009. This is an opportunity to recognise the need to promote social justice, which includes efforts to tackle issues such as poverty, exclusion, gender equality, unemployment, human rights, and social protections.

The importance of social justice is paramount, now more than ever. This year’s theme is ‘A Call for Social Justice in the Digital Economy‘, as the digital economy is transforming the world of work.

CRP has previously worked with London Boroughs of LambethLewisham,
Southwark and Wandsworth on the South London Innovation Corridor (SLIC) to develop a commissioning framework for the Talent Development strand, outlining cross-borough creative and digital employment initiatives to support disadvantaged groups into work in the creative and digital industries.

For more information, please contact CRP Project Manager Sefinat Otaru.

LGBT+ History Month

16th February 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

February is LGBT+ History Month – a month-long observance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer history, as well as a means of raising awareness for the issues faced by LGBT+ people. The first celebration in February 2005 saw the organisation of over 150 events around the UK. 16 years later, London’s rich LGBT+ heritage is being explored widely through online resources – from quizzes, lectures, storytelling and more. The theme for this year is ‘Body, Mind, Spirit’.

CRP’s accountable body Westminster City Council (WCC) are hosting external speaker external speaker events and opportunities to learn more about LGBT+ history in the borough this month. WCC are proud to celebrate diversity and challenge prejudice. To sign up to these events, please contact CRP’s Project Officer Rachael Aldridge for more information.

CRP Team Wellbeing

16th February 2021 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

As the Lockdown continues, the CRP team remains fully committed to maintaining personal health and wellbeing. We know that if we look after ourselves, then in turn we can look after CRP’s partners, funders and communities even better too!

To that end, the CRP team has committed to a February Step Challenge, building on the success of the November Step Challenge, where collectively the CRP team managed to walk all the way to Minsk! If the CRP team had undertaken all of those miles in a diesel vehicle, walking would save*:

  • 1,682g of NOx
  • 47g of PM2.5
  • 89g of PM10
  • 448kg of CO2

Many of CRP’s Step Challenge miles are covered during walking meetings, whereby we get work done on the move on our phones. The CRP team are also keeping our bodies and our brains active and happy via Transport Quizzes (they’re fun honestly!), Virtual Yoga Sessions, Tea Time Chats, Cocktail Making and more!

(*figures calculated by CRP’s measureBEST emissions calculator tool, assuming that journeys took place in Inner London during PM peak).

If you’ve got any further tips on health and wellbeing, please do let us know! For more information, please contact CRP’s Director Susannah Wilks.

Shepherding Businesses Towards an Electric Future

16th February 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP is excited to announce it will be launching a shared electric van in Shepherd’s Bush as part of the Clean Air Villages 3 project.

In collaboration with London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham, Zipcar and Land Securities, a fully electric vehicle will be available for local businesses and community organisations to use for free. This electric venture will encourage behaviour change around the use of electric vehicles and showcase the benefits of shared vehicle schemes.

CRP is currently engaging with the local business community to sign-up interested parties. Journeys made by an electric van versus a diesel equivalent will result in a significant reduction in harmful pollutants; cleaner air is better for both health and business.

For further information about the scheme and to register your interest, please contact CRP Project Manager Kate Fenton.

Development Begins on new Urban Logistics Hub website

16th February 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP is excited to be developing a new online web-based map tool that will host details of available sites across central London that have been put forward as potential logistics hub locations by Local Authorities and Landowners.

The recently published The Potential for Urban Logistics Hubs in Central London study was completed on behalf of CLSRTP to showcase the available logistics sites that could be used by courier/ freight companies to increase greener ‘last mile’ deliveries in Central London, in turn reducing air pollution, congestion and carbon emissions.

The new website will support freight logistics companies who are actively searching to occupy a central London location, in addition to supporting owners of the sites looking to advertise their spaces to prospective freight companies for their sustainable last mile delivery purposes.

The website is expected to be launched in late March 2021. We will announce the launch in our newsletter and across our social media channels.

For more information, please contact CRP Communications and Business Development Manager Joshua West.

New CLSRTP Summary Report Launched

16th February 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Since the start of the pandemic in the UK, in March 2020, the Central London Sub-Regional Transport Partnership (CLSRTP) have increased the frequency of their meetings to adapt to the changing nature of transport use across London. The partners have shaped the CLSRTP research projects to coordinate the TfL Streetspace responses and transport sector more widely, in adapting to future changes as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.

CRP has collated all innovative research projects into an informative summary report, which gives a concise review of the key achievements that have taken place since April 2020. The projects showcase the successful collaboration of the partnership, who are pioneering bold new methods of transport strategy that will ensure a resilient and sustainable course for the future of transport management in the capital.

Latest CRP Reports Shared by Trade Press

16th February 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP’s recently released The Potential for Urban Logistics Hubs in Central London and Mobility Justice and Transport Inclusivity reports have been shared by Smart Transport and TransportXtra
respectively! We’re very pleased to see the important research being disseminated across the transport sector and we will continue to expand on the key messages with our partners on how the practical recommendations mentioned in both reports can be implemented across the Central London Sub-Regional Transport Partnership and Healthy Streets Everyday projects.

For more information, please contact CRP Communications and Business Development Manager Joshua West.