Upcoming Best Practice Case Studies
30th March 2021 / Posted by CRP TeamAs Clean Air Villages 3 (CAV3) comes to a close, CRP has prepared five inspiring case studies as part of the solutions developed during the project. Each case study shares experiences, lessons
learned and results of CAV3, in partnership with local authorities, businesses and communities regarding:
- shared cargo bike schemes
- supporting businesses to switch to electric vehicles
- the development of clean air routes across the villages part of the project
- Vivacity sensors monitoring traffic and footfall
- 17 CRP LiveShare sessions offered last year.
CRP is very proud of the successes throughout the CAV3 programme, which have had meaningful and tangible outcomes, including engaging with over 970 businesses, the launch of a shared electric van (EV) scheme launching on the Shepherds Bush area, and the addition of 37 businesses to the CRP Clean Air Villages Directory.
The cargo bike case study will showcase the seven schemes launched to support local businesses, community organisations, pharmacies, charities and food banks to deliver essential items by zero-emission methods to those vulnerable and isolating.
CAV3 also tracked 18,000 miles of driving behaviour to inform users of diesel and petrol vehicles the best electric vehicle alternatives available to them.
14 new Clean Air Routes have been created to encourage people to breathe better in their area. An additional case study focusing on Vivacity monitoring showcases how monitoring traffic and footfall in 9 local authorities and 4 BIDs has helped organisations to better understand their areas.
Finally, CRP’s LiveShare case study showcases the 17 interactive webinar events, which promoted behaviour change to improve local air quality at both local and national scales.
Roll on Clean Air Villages 4!
For more information, please contact CRP Project Officer Carina Mesquita.