10 Chargers Installed – EFLES

5th December 2022 / Posted by Sefinat Otaru

Earlier this year, the Electric Vehicle Fleet-centred Local Energy System (EFLES) project came to an end. Over a year and half, CRP and project partners, UK Power Network Services, UPS and Lunar Energy (formerly Moixa), collaborated on this smart charging project that helps reduce the costs of fleet electrification and support the wider transition to electric vehicles.  Part of the project included installing 10 new charge points on the UPS Camden site. 

Since then, EFLES has been short-listed for several awards, and has won Major Project of the Year at the National Sustainability Awards. 

Read more about the project here or contact CRP Project Manager Sefinat Otaru (sefinatotaru@crossriverpartnership.org) for more information. 

11 Project Partners: Clean Air Logistics for London

5th December 2022 / Posted by Fiona Coull

CRP has been working with 11 Project Partners to deliver our Clean Air Logistics for London Programme!  

Clean Air Logistics for London (CALL), is a  year-long Defra funded Air Quality project ending in June 2023. The programme aims to encourage more light freight to be transported into central London by river, supplemented by micro consolidation and the use of low emission modes for the last mile. This will help to reduce both congestion and pollution across London.  

We recently published our first case study as part of the programme, which provides an in-depth overview of our recent River Freight Pilot! The case study includes key statistics and emissions savings, as well as information on how to set up your own river freight trial, such as key contacts you would need to make it happen. 

Finally, it was great to get all 11 partners together for our first Steering Group Meeting at the end of November. The meeting included a site visit to a micro consolidation hub, helping our partners to get a better understanding of what micro hub spaces can look like, and how they operate. 

To find out more, please contact CRP Programme Manager Fiona Coull, fionacoull@crossriverpartnership.org. 

Unlocking the Benefits of Urban Green and Blue Space

22nd November 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

More than 55% of the world’s population live in urban areas, and in many countries the figure is much higher. For example in the UK, 83% of people live in urban areas. In June 2022, the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) led three international workshops to scope a new Belmont Forum collaborative research action on ‘unlocking the benefits of urban green and blue spaces’. The NERC is now using the workshop outputs to draft a call document for a Collaborative Research Action (CRA) which will be presented to the Belmont Forum in late October. If the call text and CRA are approved we would anticipate funding calls to be launched in 2023 … watch this space!

Transport Emissions Calculator

22nd November 2022 / Posted by Sefinat Otaru

CRP recently launched the Transport Emissions Calculator (TEC), a tool to help London drivers and fleet operators in London estimate the impact of their trips  on air quality. It was developed as part of the Defra-funded Clean Air Villages 4 programme

The Calculator uses Defra’s emissions factor toolkit to help users assess how much carbon dioxide, nitrous oxides and particulate matter is produced by their road journeys. It also estimates how rail and river journeys affect local air quality.

Ideally, the tool will inform users looking to inform their decision to

  • Consolidate their trips so that they make fewer journeys
  • Switch their trips from peak travel time to off-peak hours); or even
  • Change to a zero- or low-emission mode of transport such as an electric vehicle or a cargo bike

The TEC also allows users to vehicle counts from traffic data in a specific London borough to estimate emissions generated by local traffic. This could be useful to measuring how effective traffic reduction interventions (for example, school streets) are by comparing before and after results.

Try the calculator or contact CRP Project Manager Sefinat Otaru (sefinatotaru@crossriverpartnership.org) if you would like to carry out a more detailed analysis!

Plans for a New Sustainability Hub in Chelsea Harbour

22nd November 2022 / Posted by Isidora Rivera Vollmer

Over the past few months, CRP has been working with London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham and Chelsea Harbour Estates to create a new sustainability hub near Chelsea Harbour Pier.

Landowner Chelsea Harbour Estates have agreed to repurpose two underused car parking spaces for this project. The sustainability hub will include a Delivering London parcel locker (with a Legible London map) and two cargo bike parking bays with Sheffield stands.

The sustainability hub on the Chelsea Harbour Estate has the potential to support future river freight operations from Chelsea Harbour Pier, whilst also supporting the estate and their residents with deliveries.

CRP has already organised site visits with the parcel locker and Sheffield stand providers, as well as received quotes from floor marking providers.

For any questions about this project, please email CRP Senior Project Officer Isidora Rivera Vollmer (isidorariveravollmer@crossriverpartnership.org).

CRP’s Data Analysis Services

22nd November 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP is building on the success of its cross-project monitoring programme by offering bespoke, value-for-money data analysis services to unlock the potential of your traffic data.

By providing in-depth analysis that is tailored to your needs, CRP can help to provide the proof of concept for local initiatives whilst enabling evidence-based decision making for both you and your stakeholders.

Interested in finding out more about CRP’s data analysis services and how this could benefit your organisation? Please get in touch with CRP Programme Manager Fiona Coull (fionacoull@crossriverpartnership.org).

Turning Black Friday Green in Brixton

22nd November 2022 / Posted by Ross Phillips

Product deliveries this Black Friday is expected to generate 429,000 metric tonnes of emissions this year – the same as 435 return flights from London to New York! (Source: Waste Managed).

CRP’s storage and cargo bike scheme is supporting Brixton’s businesses to reduce the number of deliveries participating businesses get into central London by enabling them to bulk-buy, and increasing cargo bike deliveries from our storage location to our clean air champion businesses in Brixton.

Some of these brilliant Brixton businesses include:

You can still sign up if you are a business in Brixton by contacting CRP Senior Project Officer Isidora Rivera Vollmer isidorariveravollmer@crossriverpartnership.org/07929 868 879.

CRP’s Connect 4 Series: Session 11

22nd November 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

You are invited to join Cross River Partnership for Session 11 of CRP’s Connect 4 Series – The Innovative Built Environment

This online event is taking place on Thursday 24th November, 4pm – 4:45pm. The speakers for this event are:

  1. Peter Murray, Co-Founder, New London Architecture
  2. Adam Tyndall, Transport Programme Director, BusinessLDN
  3. Fiona Coull, Programme Manager, Cross River Partnership
  4. Rachael Aldridge, Communications Project Manager, Cross River Partnership

Change is coming on London’s roads. People and goods are making different journeys and technological developments are bringing new and innovative ways of travel to our city. Join for a discussion with New London Architecture and BusinessLDN around how the built environment and way we travel is changing!

CRP will be launching a new case study into river freight, which details a trial completed as part of the Clean Air Logistics for London programme in summer 2022. This case study includes key statistics and emissions savings from the pilot, such as how to set up your own, plus operations, costs and learnings. Initial figures show that there was a 78% saving in NOx and an 88% saving in CO2 transporting the goods via river rather than via road.

Look forward to seeing you there!

November Update: Clean Air Logistics for London

21st November 2022 / Posted by Fiona Coull

CRP and partners have been working hard to deliver the Defra-funded Clean Air Logistics for London (CALL) project.  

Here’s some of the things we’ve achieved over the last few months!  

For more information, please contact CRP Programme Manager Fiona Coull (fionacoull@crossriverpartnership.org). 

CRP’s Reflections on COP27

18th November 2022 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

“We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot on the accelerator.” 

This is the sobering opening statement from Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary General at the opening of COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh. 

Nobody can doubt the seriousness of the situation. Everybody can play their part in trying to fix it. 

CRP continues to blaze a trail as a Climate Champion, launching its most recent behaviour change tool this week – Sustainable Steps.  This is a business-facing tool to encourage better practices that make environmental as well as economic sense. 

At a more local level, CRP is removing polluting traffic from the streets of Brixton via a Micro Consolidation Hub supported by Impact on Urban Health and Brixton BIDLook out for PedalMe cargo bikes making clean deliveries to Brixton businesses! 

CRP has also this week supported collaborative trans-national funding applications that are all about Driving Urban Transitions – watch this space! 

Our congratulations go to Federated Hermes Limited and Finance Earth on their appointment as managers for the Big Nature Impact Fund. As per the announcement from COP27 on 17th November, this is ”a new public-private fund for nature in the UK which will unlock significant private investment into nature projects.” 

If you have any ideas for collaborating to improve the environmental sustainability of our planet, please get in touch! CRP Director Susannah Wilks, susannahwilks@crossriverpartnership.org