CRP’s Positive Outlook for 2021

19th January 2021 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

Along with all our partner organisations, the CRP team is starting off 2021 virtually, with the aim of getting back to our wonderful Westminster City Council offices as soon as it is safer for everyone. A huge thank you for Councillor Rachael Robathan’s amazing Leadership and support to all Westminster’s staff, businesses, residents and services at this time.

CRP has big plans for 2021 and has already begun work on its 2021-22 Business Plan, more information in due course. We hope you like CRP’s brand new look and feel E-Newsletter style for 2021 – thank you very much to CRP’s Rachael Aldridge for the design work!

CRP’s Clean Air Villages 3 project continues to deliver at pace, including supporting various local community organisations with emergency food deliveries via cargo bikes to vulnerable people.

CRP has planned out a series of virtual monthly Lunchtime Launches to share its latest knowledge, resources, reports and best practice as widely as possible. The first of these is at 13.15-14.00 on Thursday 28th January, on the hot topic of Freight and the potential provision of new distribution hubs in central London. Please see here to register.

CRP is eagerly awaiting the outcome of its most recent collaborative funding bid to Defra – please keep your finger’s crossed for us!  We are also in active discussions with extra potential CRP partners, as well as delivering a bespoke consultancy-style contract.

The CRP team is continuing to put its best foot forward on behalf of all of our partners and funders, including accessing, analysing and presenting new data sources; using additional desktop publishing packages; on-line media interview training; new Walk and Talk sessions, to name but a few.

Looking to the future, CRP has commissioned Centre for London to work with the CRP Board partners and Transport for London’s CLSRTP group to explore radical new Town Centre Futures across London.

We don’t under-estimate the scale of the challenges still ahead for us, but building on the resilience that all of us in London and further afield have shown already, we are supremely positive about ever-increasing collaborations to deliver fulfilling futures for as many people as possible.

If you would like to find out anything further to do with CRP, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Director Susannah Wilks.

New Lunchtime Launch Events for 2021!

19th January 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP is very excited to announce a new series of monthly Lunchtime Launch events! These will be interactive, online discussions showcasing the innovative projects that CRP is delivering to drive positive change for London’s residents, businesses and visitors.

Our first Lunchtime Launch is Developing the Future of Freight Logistics in London, which will be taking place on Thursday 28th January, 1:15pm – 2pm.

Sign up here.  

For this event, CRP will be launching its new research report, The Potential for Urban Logistics Hubs in Central London, which was commissioned on behalf of the Central London Sub Regional Transport Partnership (CLSRTP), funded by Transport for London. This report identifies the market demand and locations for sustainable last mile freight delivery hubs, in collaboration with Local Authorities, landowners, Business Improvement Districts and freight operators.

We’ll be joined by expert speakers:

  • Barry Smith – Head of Policy and Strategy (West End Partnership) at Westminster City Council, who will be discussing the importance of this study for future logistics in Central London, and specifically the initiatives currently taking place in the City of Westminster.
  • Julie Bowerman – Director at Steer, who will be presenting on the findings of the Potential for Urban Logistics Hubs in Central London study.
  • Laura Jacklin – Senior Project Officer at Cross River Partnership, who will be speaking about how urban logistics hubs have an important role to play in promoting clean and efficient freight activity across the capital.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

CRP’s Staff Spotlight On: Anusha

15th December 2020 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP’s Staff Spotlight On: Anusha Rajamani 

I am a Project Officer at CRP, where the majority of my work is dedicated to the Clean Air Villages 3 project. I help support the delivery of CAV3 across five diverse villages: Westminster, Camden, Haringey, Islington and Angel BID.

Though I have been working remotely since joining and haven’t met any of the team face-to-face, I was welcomed with open arms by everyone and have been enjoying our regular well-being events such as CRP’s Step Challenge and other fun team activities!

Merry Christmas!

15th December 2020 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

As is traditional for the last CRP Newsletter of the year, we would like to wish all of CRP’s partner organisations, Board, funders, buddies and support agencies a very Merry Christmas!

As with everything this year, Christmas will also be different.

We hope that all of you will have a chance to pause and reflect on everything that we have achieved together.

We have all helped out, and that has made us happy. From cargo bike deliveries of food bank parcels and emergency medical supplies, to transforming our streets and our transport choices, to digitising our advice services including via fortnightly LiveShare webinars, to publishing guidance toolkits, to supporting our colleagues via health and wellbeing activities (CRP team walking challenge, group yoga and cocktail-making).

Thank you to all of CRP’s partners and funders – we really appreciate the flexibility you have allowed us in rising to the challenges of 2020.

When you get to your Christmas break, celebrate safely!

And we look forward to working on exciting projects with you all early in 2021!

Susannah Wilks, CRP Director.

Looking Ahead to 2021

15th December 2020 / Posted by CRP Team

As our sights turn to the year ahead, we are gearing up for some exciting new launches, events and collaborations over the next few months … here’s just a taster of what is to come!

After the success of our LiveShare events, which have attracted over 850 attendees from across 12 different countries since June, we will be launching a new monthly ‘Lunchtime Launch’ series, where we’ll be sharing the latest updates from across CRP’s projects, as well as inviting industry experts to discuss their latest research on topics ranging from air quality, freight, transport, active travel, energy, environment, culture, lighting and much more.

CRP’s Healthy Streets Everyday programme will be delivering multiple guidance resources and case studies in the new year. These will support Local Authorities, BIDs, developers, landowners and communities to make lasting and transformative change to streets throughout London by increasing walking rates and reducing emissions and exposure to toxic air pollution. In addition, traffic and pedestrian footfall data collected through our collaboration with Vivacity will be finalised early next year to help inform our partners on their localised transport networks and potential improvements to create safer, smarter and more sustainable ways to travel.

New solutions to improve air quality will be launched in 2021 as part of the Clean Air Villages (CAV) project, including TWO new cargo bike schemes and a new shared electric vehicle scheme to support local businesses in making clean, green, efficient deliveries. In addition, 15 new CAV walking routes will also be added to our Clean Air Route Finder tool, which will be getting a complete new re-design in the coming months, making it even easier to find lower polluting routes to get you from A-B.

CRP’s Clean Air Thames project has launched its second round of funding available to operators, with a deadline of 12th February 2021. We are looking forward to supporting more vessels along the Thames in reducing toxic emissions to improve the health of employees, residents and businesses.

The CRP sponsored Centre for London research project Lighting London will publish its greatly anticipated final report early in the new year, covering how light and darkness affect the lives of different groups of Londoners, how to use lighting more sustainably, and what it would take for London to become the best lit major city in the world. On the topic of lighting, the Illuminated River project’s next round of dazzling light installations will be completed in early 2021, and we can’t wait to marvel and share the mesmerising art for all to see.

Sustainable business and community recoveries from the pandemic are integral to achieve a prosperous and green future that will benefit the health of London’s residents, visitors and workers. In addition, the expansion of the London LEZ
and ULEZ, in March and October respectively, the Mayoral Elections in May, as well as the forthcoming COP26 summit in November, means there has never been a greater time to galvanise efforts to support the reduction of carbon emissions and air pollution in our urban areas.

There’s lot of to look forward to in 2021 and we’re so excited to share all of our new initiatives with you. Do follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for all CRP’s latest updates and special announcements.

For more information, please contact CRP Communications & Business Development Manager Joshua West.

City of London LinkedIn Group Launch

15th December 2020 / Posted by CRP Team

Yesterday was an exciting CRP first! We launched a Clean Air Community group via CRP’s LinkedIn, aiming to connect City of London Corporation residents and employees over air quality issues, ideas and solutions. We’re looking forward to creating a new space for people to connect, collaborate and develop!

Are you a City of London resident or employee interested in joining the group? Want to recommend someone who may be? Get in touch with Project Officer Stav Friedman for more information.

Brexit Transition: Advice for Businesses  

15th December 2020 / Posted by CRP Team

Are you ready for Brexit?

The UK officially left the European Union on 31st December 2019, and the transition period will end on 31st December 2020. On 1st January 2021, new rules on matters such as exports, imports, tariffs, data and the hiring of staff will come into force that may affect your business.

To check if you are likely to be affected, more information can be found here.

London Moves Into Tier 3 

15th December 2020 / Posted by CRP Team

London and other parts of the South East join tier three at 00:01 GMT on Wednesday 16th December. Tier three is the toughest level of restrictions in England. But what does this mean?

  • Pubs, restaurants and other hospitality venues must close except for takeaway and delivery
  • Indoor entertainment venues, such as theatres, bowling alleys and cinemas, must remain shut
  • Sport fans cannot attend events in stadiums
  • Households cannot mix with other households indoors, unless they are part of a bubble
  • People are advised not to travel to and from tier three areas
  • Outdoor entertainment venues can stay open
  • Schools, shops, hair and beauty salons, libraries and gyms are still open
  • Households can mix in public settings such as parks, in groups of up to six people

More information on what tier three means for Londoners can be found here.

CRP’s Final LiveShare Session: The Future Functionality and Potential of London’s Centres

15th December 2020 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP’s Final LiveShare Session: The Future Functionality and Potential of London’s Centres
Join us at 2pm this Thursday (17th) for CRP’s FINAL LiveShare in the series – The Future Functionality and Potential of London’s Centres – which will cover how we can ensure that key economic, cultural, and social central London hubs evolve and secure a prosperous, environmentally sustainable future.

We will be joined by:

  • Alastair Moss – Deputy for Ward of Cheap at the City of London Corporation, who will be presenting a pre-recorded session on the City of London’s recovery from the pandemic, actions that can be taken now to support a recovery, and their City Plan 2036 on futureproofing the City covering; flexible office spaces, pedestrianisation, freight consolidation, air quality, traffic and much more.
  • Matthew Dillon – Associate Director at Arup, who will be introducing their policy-orientated research study for the Greater London Authority on the economic futures of the Central Activities Zone.
  • Rachael Aldridge CRP Project Officer, who will be speaking about CRP’s exciting new research project into the Roles for London’s Centres, discussing opportunities and plans for discovering London’s Centres’ strong and green recovery from the pandemic.


All of our LiveShares are posted on our YouTube channel for you to view and share whenever you like. Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to receive upcoming events in 2021. We hope to see you very soon!

All LiveShares are funded by Defra and are delivered as part of CRP’s Clean Air Villages 3 programme.

For more information, please contact CRP Project Officer Rachael Aldridge.

CRP’s Staff Spotlight On: Abby McDougall 

8th December 2020 / Posted by CRP Team

This week, we are featuring CRP Technical Project Officer Abby McDougall!

Abby joined CRP back in January 2019 as an intern while studying at King’s College London. We’re not sure who or what is to blame, but she couldn’t get enough and joined the team full-time in August last year. Since then, she’s been a part of the Clean Air Villages team, promoting cargo-bikes, crunching CO2 savings data by managing the CRP measureBEST tool and developing new clean air walking routes. Abby is also involved with the Innovate UK-funded EFLES project, helping to realise the wider commercial opportunities of this innovative pilot with UPS, Moixa and UKPNS.