International Women’s Day
2nd March 2021 / Posted by CRP TeamThough the pandemic has tested us time and time again, we need to look back at the progress we have made and how far we have come in one year. This year we will be celebrating International Women’s Day on 8th March! UN Women have announced this year’s theme as “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”.
This theme rings true as we take heed from global leaders who have championed and mobilised people to demand climate action as we rebuild ourselves from the pandemic.
The association between air pollution and women’s health is has become well evidenced, where the exposure air pollution has adverse impacts on maternal and newborn health. At CRP, we are dedicated to find solutions in reducing air pollution and raise awareness about the importance of air quality in enhancing mental, physical and spiritual health through projects such as Healthy Streets Everyday and Clean Air Villages 3. We also collaborate with Mums for Lungs, Regen Network and Global Action Plan.
If you’re interested in joining and collaborating with us to help improve London’s air quality, please contact CRP Project Officer Anusha Rajamani.