CRP Media Training

2nd March 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Recently, the CRP team attended media and communications training, delivered by a great team of journalists from MediaFirst.

For one day, we put our nerves aside and practiced undertaking telephone, radio and television interviews. From delivering key messages effectively to answering unexpected questions with confidence, the CRP team learnt all the skills required to clearly communicate the projects we are working on.

The skills learnt were far-reaching and impactful well beyond undertaking interviews. The whole CRP team left the training feeling confident and look forward to continuously developing their communication skills!

For more information, please contact Project Officer Intern Zoe Greindl.

Clean Air Thames is Full Steam Ahead

2nd March 2021 / Posted by Sefinat Otaru

Applications for the second round of Clean Air Thames funding closed last month.

Clean Air Thames, funded by Round 3 of the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund, aims to show how river vessels can be retrofitted to reduce noxious emissions and contribute to improved air quality along the river.

With London easing out of the lockdown and winter turning to spring, more people are spending time outdoors. The Thames, too, will have attract more visitors spending time alongside or on it, and more goods are being delivered using the river, rather than by road. Therefore, it’s important to keep reducing emissions from river vessels, and keep its environment healthy for both commercial and leisure users.

For more information about the project, please contact CRP Project Manager Sefinat Otaru.

Final Month of Clean Air Villages 3 Project

2nd March 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

We are entering the last month of the Clean Air Villages 3 (CAV3) project and it looks like we’re going out with a bang!

February was a busy month for the CAV3 villages, with TootingRichmond and Wimbledon’s cargo bike delivery schemes in full swing. For Deptford‘s cargo bike scheme, we were pleased to support the Trussell Trust food bank in delivering goods to those in need during the pandemic.

This past month also included 2 workshops on Active Travel, hosted in partnership with Groundwork. The most recent workshop on Active Travel and Cycling detailed the perks and benefits to being an active traveller, with some key tips and tricks for getting out on your bike. We were also excited announce the launch of 14 new Clean Air Routes across 11 CAV3 partner boroughs – explore the new routes on the recently refreshed Clean Air Route Finder.

For more information, please contact CRP Project Manager Kate Fenton.

Cargo Bikes – The Future of Urban Deliveries

2nd March 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Cargo bikes are a sustainable, efficient, zero-emission option that can be used for a range of deliveries and collections. They have huge potential for businesses to save money by avoiding congestion and emissions charges in central London, as well as improve air quality across our communities.

Since the start of the pandemic, CRP’s Clean Air Villages 3 (CAV3) project has launched 7 cargo bike schemes, covering 596 miles supporting food banks, pharmacies, charities and local businesses in delivering essential items. The most recent schemes have launched in Seven SistersSoho and The Northbank BID, and are currently free to use.

If you are interested or aware of any businesses or organisations that could utilise these zero emission vehicles, please contact CRP Project Officer Carina Mesquita.

Re-Imagining Space for a Green Recovery

2nd March 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

After the successful launch of the Potential for Urban Logistics Hub in Central London study commissioned by CLSRTP, the next phase of this project is being undertaken to create an interactive online map. This will enable both site owners and logistics operators to see what areas across central London have potential space to house last mile delivery hubs that will help to reducing air pollution, congestion and carbon emissions.

This map will showcase the 29 sites that were identified as potential areas for use for logistics operations, as well as new sites that local authorities or landowners identify across central London in the future.

Different types of spaces could be used for logistics hubs including; carparks, railway arches, empty stores, warehouses and many more.

CRP is now accepting submissions for more sites across Central London to add to the map!

If you are a Landowner, council or private company who has space that has underutilised space that could be a potential space for consolidation get in touch with CRP Senior Project Officer Laura Jacklin.

Lighting London Report Launch

2nd March 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Join Centre for London for the launch of the new report ‘Seeing Clearly: A New Vision for London’s Lighting’ on Wednesday 10th March at 5pm. This innovative study looks at how London uses electric lighting and shares good practice to improve the city’s great outdoors.

Sign up here.

The event will present recommendations for the Mayor of London, Local Authorities, developers and communities, culminating with a discussion with guest experts, including Amy LaméGreater London Authority, and Sarah GaventaIlluminated River Foundation.

Key points addressed at this event will be:

  • How can better lighting contribute make our public spaces more welcoming and inclusive?
  • How can we make lighting more sustainable?
  • What would it take to make London one of the best lit cities in the world?

CRP is proud to be a supporting sponsor for this research.

For more information, please contact CRP’s Director Susannah Wilks.

Mobility Guidance feature in Forbes Magazine

2nd March 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP’s recently released Mobility Justice and Transport Inclusivity report has been shared in Forbes Magazine! We’re very pleased to see the important research being disseminated and we will continue to expand on the key messages with our partners on how the practical recommendations mentioned in this report can be implemented across the Healthy Streets Everyday project.

For more information, please contact CRP Project Manager Fiona Coull.

Congratulations to Whitehall BID

2nd March 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

The new BID in Whitehall will provide the local business community with a strong voice to drive change, innovation and stimulate additional investment into the area!

Following the recent ballot, 95% of local businesses voted ‘yes’ which saw them endorse the creation of the new BID. This result has seen the establishment of London’s 67th BID, and is a promising indication of the growing role that BIDs are playing in London’s ongoing development. It is envisaged that through collective partnerships, the Whitehall BID will help drive more than £600,000 of investment across a range of strategic projects over the next two years.

CRP look forward to seeing the development of the local area, no doubt contributing to making London a better place to live, work and visit.

CRP’s Spotlight On:

2nd March 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

This week, we are showcasing the work of CRP partner, the organisation that runs the Business Improvement District in the Angel, one of the most vibrant town centres in North London.

Like all other BIDS, has been working in unchartered waters over the past year. To support our businesses through the pandemic, we reduced the BID levy for businesses that were not permitted to open. We had to move from service delivery to advice and advocacy whilst still trying to deliver as many projects as possible on a reduced budget, with the great support of Islington Council, particularly the Waste Management Service. For much of this time, our office base has been unavailable and, like workers everywhere, we have all had to establish home offices and meet virtually.

Our excellent working relationship with CRP has continued and as partners for the Clean Air Villages 3 project we have, together, had to rework our original ideas for the scheme and find new ways of engaging our businesses. Our Marketing Manager has reported that the e-shot for the recent Active Travel workshops attracted more hits than anything else apart from our grant advice shots, and we are receiving very positive feedback! We will be running our first Sustainability Forum next month, hosted by CRP, and hope that this will continue well beyond the life of the current project.

For more information, please contact Chief Executive Christine Lovett.

Four Step Roadmap out of Lockdown

2nd March 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

On Monday 22nd February, the Government announced the roadmap to cautiously ease lockdown restrictions in England.

The roadmap outlines four steps for easing restrictions. Before proceeding to the next step, the Government will examine the data to assess the impact of previous steps.

This assessment will be based on four tests:

  • The vaccine deployment programme continues successfully.
  • Evidence shows vaccines are sufficiently effective in reducing hospitalisations and deaths in those vaccinated.
  • Infection rates do not risk a surge in hospitalisations which would put unsustainable pressure on the NHS.
  • Our assessment of the risks is not fundamentally changed by new Variants of Concern.

There will be a minimum of five weeks between each step: four weeks for the data to reflect changes in restrictions; followed by seven days’ notice of the restrictions to be eased.