Healthy Streets Everyday March Round-up

16th March 2021 / Posted by Fiona Coull

With the end of the financial year drawing closer, March has been a busy month for Healthy Streets Everyday!

We have continued to deliver DrBike sessions with partners in the boroughs of GreenwichRichmond and Tower Hamlets. We have also funded even more school street measures and we’re on our way to publishing three additional case studies and a new guidance document discussing the benefits of monitoring.

March is also a month to reflect on everything we’ve achieved over the past 12 months. Although the pandemic has created many challenges for CRP and partners, we have managed to remain resilient and work together to deliver streets that are pleasant, safe places for all Londoners’ to enjoy.

We can’t wait to work with our partners to deliver even more Healthy Streets
initiatives in 2021 and see what the future will bring! CRP is extremely grateful to the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund for making all of these achievements possible.

Here are just a few of the things the Healthy Streets Everyday Programme and its partners have achieved this year:

  • Installed additional cycle and scooter parking
  • Delivered Dr Bike sessions across London
  • Helped to fund three parklets across London and provide wider support through CRP’s Parklet Guidance Document
  • Funded pollution sensors in Richmond
  • Carried out traffic and air quality monitoring across London
  • Provided a School Street Hotline to support London Boroughs with the delivery of school streets
  • Published a report on Mobility Justice to raise awareness
  • Green infrastructure
  • Supported and participated in the Clean Air Day London Summit
  • Delivered several knowledge sharing sessions as part of CRP’s LiveShares

For further information please contact CRP Project Manager Fiona Coull.

Lighting London Launch

16th March 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Last week, Centre for London launched ‘Seeing clearly: How lighting can make London a better city‘. This report explores the benefits of better lighting across the capital, outlining how improvements could be achieved. If you missed the event, you can watch it here.

CRP is very pleased to have been a supporting sponsor for this research, along with the City of London Corporation. The project has been generously supported by it’s funders, the Greater London Authority, Illuminated River Foundation and The Rothschild Foundation.

A Safer Public Realm

16th March 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Following the tragic abduction and murder of Sarah Everard in South London, the spotlight is on the capital’s public spaces and their influence on safety. According to a YouGov survey for UN Women UK, 71% of women of all ages have experienced sexual harrassment in a public place.

Good design in the public realm, including open spaces and lighting, is fundamental to the safety of all at night. We were pleased to see that The Sunday Times referenced CRP’s past project, the Golden Jubilee Bridges, as an example of good public realm design – safer for women and safer for everyone.

CRP’s Mobility Justice guidance gives insight into the everyday experiences of disabled people in London, and informs on the transition to inclusive transport and infrastructure. Together we can create a brighter future for everyone using London’s streets.

CRP Annual Report 2020/21 & Business Plan 2021/22

16th March 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP is pleased to announce that the Annual Report and Business Plan was agreed at the CRP Board meeting on 9th March.

The great achievements delivered throughout this past year include, a new Healthy Street Everyday interactive website, and inspirational case studies and guidance documents on inclusive streets and school streets. As part of the Clean Air Villages 3 Project, seven cargo bike schemes have been launched, covering 596 miles to date, along with 14 new Clean Air Routes. 17 LiveShare online webinar events have also attracted 866 attendees from across 12 countries, plus much more!

Do take a look at the testimonials video from a range of partners and stakeholders.

We have also set ourselves a series of challenging targets for the year ahead. For more information, please contact CRP’s Operations Manager Carol Quamina.

CRP’s Clean Air Villages 4 Funding Success!

16th March 2021 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

CRP is delighted to have secured £700,000 from Defra on behalf of partners, to deliver a fourth phase of the award-winning Clean Air Villages project. Huge congratulations to everyone involved!

The project will involve working with public, private and community partners across some of London’s worst air pollution hot spots, to provide innovative Freight Solutions, addressing Consolidation, Distribution, Mode, Technology and Policy in order to make sure that London ‘builds back better’ from COVID-19.

The new Clean Air Villages project will start on 1st April 2021. Please see the full press release and statement from Clean Air Villages Project Manager Kate Fenton here.

For more information on how Clean Air Villages supports CRP’s strategic priorities and plans, please contact CRP Director Susannah Wilks.

Town Centre Futures Lunchtime Launch Event

16th March 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP’s next Lunchtime Launch session will be taking place on Thursday 25th March, 1:15pm – 2pm.

We are very excited to be launching our new report, Town Centre Futures, where we will be showcasing practical recommendations to create a greener, cleaner recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and enhance the roles of all of London’s Centres. Recommendations will inter-link transport, economic, environmental, cultural and health aspects of London’s future.

We will be joined by:

  • Debbie Jackson, Executive Director for Growth, Planning and Housing at Westminster City Council.
  • Richard Brown, Acting Director at Centre for London, who will be showcasing practical recommendations and the crucial role of London’s Town Centres and High Streets as we emerge from the pandemic.
  • Rachael Aldridge, Project Officer at Cross River Partnership, will be speaking about how the Town Centre Futures recommendations can be implemented collaboratively by London’s key players, across public, private and community sectors.

London has created an enormous value based on collaboration and innovation, and this new research aims to bring together partners from across London to emphasise and build on this.

CRP’s Staff Spotlight On: Joshua West

2nd March 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

This week we are featuring CRP’s Communications & Business Development Manager Joshua West, who is leading on CRP’s internal and external communications across all projects.

As part of my role at CRP, I have the privilege of getting to dip my toes into lots of different projects, ensuring that the amazing thing we do reach the right people at the right time. Since March 2020, the team and I have been working remotely from the comfort of our bedrooms, lounges, kitchens and sometimes garden sheds. Communication has never been more important to succeed across our portfolio of innovative programmes that are helping London’s residents, businesses and visitors to build back greener, cleaner and safer. I work on the ‘cradle to grave’ aspects of communication across CRP’s projects, from composing roadmaps to launch new website tools for our partners, to finessing the final touches to a social media campaign and empowering the team to utilise the next best design tools to make their projects shine. What I enjoy the most about CRP is the practical and positive changes we deliver, the cross-cutting nature of our work with partners, and the opportunities to think creatively to solve some of London’s most pressing challenges.

International Women’s Day

2nd March 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Though the pandemic has tested us time and time again, we need to look back at the progress we have made and how far we have come in one year. This year we will be celebrating International Women’s Day on 8th March! UN Women have announced this year’s theme as “Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world”.

This theme rings true as we take heed from global leaders who have championed and mobilised people to demand climate action as we rebuild ourselves from the pandemic.

The association between air pollution and women’s health is has become well evidenced, where the exposure air pollution has adverse impacts on maternal and newborn health. At CRP, we are dedicated to find solutions in reducing air pollution and raise awareness about the importance of air quality in enhancing mental, physical and spiritual health through projects such as Healthy Streets Everyday and Clean Air Villages 3. We also collaborate with Mums for LungsRegen Network and Global Action Plan.

If you’re interested in joining and collaborating with us to help improve London’s air quality, please contact CRP Project Officer Anusha Rajamani.

CRP Media Training

2nd March 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Recently, the CRP team attended media and communications training, delivered by a great team of journalists from MediaFirst.

For one day, we put our nerves aside and practiced undertaking telephone, radio and television interviews. From delivering key messages effectively to answering unexpected questions with confidence, the CRP team learnt all the skills required to clearly communicate the projects we are working on.

The skills learnt were far-reaching and impactful well beyond undertaking interviews. The whole CRP team left the training feeling confident and look forward to continuously developing their communication skills!

For more information, please contact Project Officer Intern Zoe Greindl.

Clean Air Thames is Full Steam Ahead

2nd March 2021 / Posted by Sefinat Otaru

Applications for the second round of Clean Air Thames funding closed last month.

Clean Air Thames, funded by Round 3 of the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund, aims to show how river vessels can be retrofitted to reduce noxious emissions and contribute to improved air quality along the river.

With London easing out of the lockdown and winter turning to spring, more people are spending time outdoors. The Thames, too, will have attract more visitors spending time alongside or on it, and more goods are being delivered using the river, rather than by road. Therefore, it’s important to keep reducing emissions from river vessels, and keep its environment healthy for both commercial and leisure users.

For more information about the project, please contact CRP Project Manager Sefinat Otaru.