Clean Air Villages 4 Steering Group Meeting
27th July 2021 / Posted by CRP TeamCRP has held the first Steering Group meeting for the Defra-funded Clean Air Villages 4 (CAV4) project, attended by all of the 26 Local Authority, Business Improvement District, Landowner and Strategic Agency partners. Thank you for everyone’s contribution.
The slides of the meeting are here. CRP’s CAV4 project is helping all of the project partners make improvements to air quality via innovative freight solutions that address Consolidation, Distribution, Mode, Technology and Policy issues.
CAV4 already has underway:
- An interactive map of sites available for micro logistics hubs
- A range of cargo bike trials to support businesses of all sizes on their sustainability journeys
- Shared electric vehicle schemes
- Free dongles to help businesses gather vehicle data that will drive informed decision-making
- Focus group research on walking freight possibilities
- A river freight trial and feasibility study on the potential of Thames piers for freight alongside passengers
- A full programme of Lunchtime Launch online events
- Improvements to the measureBEST air quality quantification tool
- Updates to the CRP Clean Air Villages Directory
- Materials to promote air quality policies to different audiences e.g. the Mayor’s ULEZ expansion
- CRP’s Instagram account
CRP’s CAV4 project follows on from our hugely successful CAV3 project. Please see the Executive Summary that showcases all of the main achievements of CAV3.
For any CAV4 related queries please contact CRP’s Project Manager Kate Fenton.