Westminster Goes Electric

27th September 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

To help more Westminster City Council (WCC) residents consider electric vehicle usage, WCC are planning to install 500 more EV chargers throughout the borough by March 2022. Westminster has more than 1,000 charging points, at locations based on requests from local people. 98.5% of residents that have contacted the council now have a charger just three minutes’ walk from their homes.

WCC are asking residents where more chargers are needed, to help better identify areas where demand is greatest.

If you live in Westminster and own – or plan to own – an electric vehicle, get in contact!

WCC cannot respond to every request due to levels of demand and because some of the lamp posts in which they are installed are not suitable for conversion.

Natural Health Service

27th September 2021 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) Chelsea Flower Show took place Tuesday 21st – Sunday 26th September, delayed from its usual May-time slot due to Covid restrictions.

There was a COP26 Garden, calling for all to protect biodiversity and our planet.

There were also new Balcony and Container Garden categories at RHS Chelsea, celebrating small spaces and how they can enrich everyone’s life – “even just one pot on an otherwise bare area can vastly improve our mental health and wellbeing”Pop Up Container Gardens and a Pocket Forest were other intriguing additions.

The BBC One Show and RHS Garden of Hope illustrated how gardening and growing plants provides hope and joy as we appreciate the fruits of our labour. Central to the design was a beautiful wooden sculpture, which twists and flows through the garden, incorporating seating areas, a child’s swing and creating the feeling of a big hug. We could all do with one of those at the moment!

Please see CRP’s latest Greening the Grey guidance report for further inspiration on the power of plants and gardens and contact CRP Project Manager Fiona Coull for more information.

Celebrating Pride

27th September 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Although the Pride in London parade was cancelled this year, this month, like every month, is a great time to celebrate Pride.

Coming Out – Pride in London are running a series of events, including through their Pride in the City initiative to promote inclusivity in business. Launched in 2017 thanks to the support and vision of partners like PwC, Pride in the City (PITC) is now an established and respected initiative. PITC 2021 will provide an even stronger platform to connect businesses with LGBTQ+ community groups, activists and grassroots organisations in order to help discuss ways to make business even more LGBTQ+ inclusive.

Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, said: “I welcome Pride in London’s plans to further promote diversity and inclusion within the workplace and I urge organisations around the capital to throw their support behind this important initiative.”

Net Zero Festival 2021

27th September 2021 / Posted by Ross Phillips

Net Zero Festival returns this year from Wednesday 29th September – Friday 1st October, with a host of exciting speakers from climate scientists, politicians, strategic agency and private sector leaders. This year takes on added importance, with COP26 soon taking place in the UK, highlighting the importance of sustainability, net zero and air quality in our future.

Through CRP’s Clean Air Villages 4 programme, we are supporting local authorities,
Business Improvement Districts, businesses, and arts, culture and community organisations, with their delivery of net zero targets. This support is particularly geared towards the freight and logistics sector, by improving the efficiency and minimising the impact of deliveries on air quality through consolidating suppliers, exploring micro-consolidation hubs and implementing zero emission last mile solutions such as cargo bikes and electric vehicles.

It looks set to be a great event and we are excited to see the action that comes out of this towards achieving net zero in the UK.

For more information, please contact Senior Project Officer Ross Phillips.

Well Done to the Healthy Streets Everyday Car Free Day School Mural Competition Winners!

27th September 2021 / Posted by Fiona Coull

Well done to Cayley Primary School, William Tyndale Primary School and Middle Park Primary School for winning CRP’s Healthy Streets Everyday Car Free Day (CFD) School Mural Competition!

This year to support CFD 2021, CRP’s Healthy Streets Everyday Programme held a School Mural competition to raise awareness and engage school children on the topics of air pollution and active travel. Winners were announced on Wednesday 22nd September via CRP’s Instagram!

As part of the competition, pupils were asked to design a mural based on the question “What do you think a future with clean air looks like?”. This included:

  • Walking, cycling and scooting to school
  • Streets without cars
  • Tree planting and nature
  • Using renewable energy sources
  • Links between air pollution and health

Schools had the chance to win £5k of funding to create a mural, helping to incorporate more art into our streets and support local artists that have been particularly impacted
by the pandemic.

We had over 150 mural submissions as part of the competition, however the winning school murals were designed by:

Congratulations to our winners and well done to everyone who entered the competition – it was great to see so many brilliant entries!

For further information about the HSE Programme, please contact CRP Project Manager Fiona Coull.

Cross River Partnership Board Meeting

27th September 2021 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

CRP’s next twice-yearly Board meeting will take place online on Thursday 30th September 2021, 10am. We look forward to welcoming all of our public, private and voluntary sector CRP partners there!

We would like to thank outgoing CRP Board Co-Chair Wendy Hyde for all of her work supporting the partnership over the last five years. We will also be welcoming the City of London Corporation’s Keith Bottomley as the incoming CRP Board Co-Chair, alongside our Co-Chair Simon Pitkeathley of Camden Town Unlimited and Euston Town BID.

CRP will be asking the Board to approve all of the expenditure and outputs delivered with partners over the last six months, following all of our accountable body Westminster City Council’s procedures.

We will also be seeking Board approval to submit a £1,000,000 collaborative funding bid to Defra’s latest Air Quality grant, building on the success of CRP’s Clean Air Villages 4 programme.

For further information, please contact CRP’s Director Susannah Wilks.

This week’s Lunchtime Launch Event. Climate Effects: The Benefits of Greening

27th September 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Join us from 1:15pm – 2:00pm, Thursday 30th September, for the ninth Lunchtime Launch event in the series, Climate Effects: The Benefits of Greening.

The aim of this session is to equip you with further knowledge of climate adaptation and its effects, as well as share CRP’s new report which look towards a greener future for London, including case study examples.

Sign up here!

CRP Project Manager Fiona Coull will be presenting CRP’s brand-new guidance document “Greening Out the Grey”: The value of Green Infrastructure for People and Places, launched as part of the Mayor of London-funded Healthy Streets Everyday programme. Greening can contribute to healthier, more pleasant streets, whilst also providing significant environmental, social, economic and cultural benefits at a relatively low cost.

We will also be joined by Lauren Racusin, Bloomberg Associates, who is presenting on a series of London-wide climate risk maps created with the Greater London Authority (GLA) to analyse climate exposure and vulnerability across Greater London. Ben Connor, Greater London Authority, will be presenting on the Grow Back Greener Fund and how the GLA prioritise projects that are in areas of the city with poor access to open space, and high climate risk, especially where these are also areas of deprivation.

The main learning points from this session include:

  • How mapping in London can present areas most susceptible to the effects of climate change, and how these areas are related to demographics
  • The benefits and importance of greening in cities
  • How London-based organisations can combat climate issues through public realm interventions

For more information, please contact CRP Communications Project Manager Rachael Aldridge.

International Youth Day

17th August 2021 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

The United Nations’ International Youth Day was on 12th August 2021.

In the words of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres: “Young people are on the frontlines of the struggle to build a better future for all. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the dire need for the kind of transformational change they seek – and young people must be full partners in that effort.” 

Here at CRP, we’re doing our own bit and supporting young people in schools to create their own mural designs on how they would like their local streets to look and feel. Get involved! 

For more mural information please visit CRP’s Instagram and Twitter accounts. We look forward to receiving your submissions!

For further information about CRP’s Mayor’s Air Quality-Funded Healthy Streets Everyday Mural Competition, please contact CRP Project Manager Fiona Coull.

Shop Local this month

17th August 2021 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

This month we’re reminded of the government’s #ShopLocalWeek promotional campaign that took place in August last year. During and since, many of CRP’s Business Improvement District (BID) partners have spearhead amazing interventions to support local High Streets.

In the words of Mike Cherry, the National Chairman of the Federation of Small Businesses“It’s vital now more than ever that we do what we can to support our local small businesses. The past few months have been among the most difficult that businesses have ever had and as we slowly reopen, the public can help by supporting their local businesses. Whether it’s your local grocer, decorators or florist, they all need the support of their communities in order to survive this crisis and thrive.” 

Many of CRP’s Business Improvement District (BID) partners are spearheading amazing interventions to support local High Streets.

CRP worked with them recently to produce a Town Centre Futures report, funded by Transport for London, that made recommendations on how Town Centres and High Streets can take action to grow financially, sustainably and in-tune with local community needs.

Check out the environmental sustainability credentials of businesses in your local area using CRP’s Clean Air Villages Directory, funded by central government department Defra.

CRP is also supporting local retail outlets via Click Collect Clean Air. Put in your postcode to find shops local to your house where you can pick up delivery parcels, free of charge! You might pick up one or two extras from the shop while you’re there, plus the exercise you get walking there will mean less local miles driven by vans.

For any further communications support on #ShopLocal, please contact CRP Project Officer Rachael Aldridge.

What are your favourite stretches of the Thames Path?

17th August 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Thames Path Partnership are looking for a few words and a photo of any of the areas of the Thames Path that you would like to share with a wider audience. This could be a favourite section or one you feel passionate about!

These will be included on the Thames Path National Trail history page and on Twitter and Facebook throughout the year under #ThamesPath25, for the 25th anniversary of the inauguration of the Thames Path National Trail, which was opened at the Thames Barrier on 24th July 1996.

Get snapping your favourite parts of the river today!