Clean Air Villages Directory: User Survey

15th June 2021 / Posted by Sefinat Otaru

The CRP Clean Air Villages Directory is continuing to help Londoners find local businesses that use zero/ultra-low emission modes of transport, such as bicycles and electric vehicles, for their deliveries. The Directory is now in its third year, and we would like to know what you think about it so far.

Please complete this 5-question survey by 12pm, Friday 18th June 2021.

Thank you!

Air Quality Forum 2021

15th June 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Last month, CRP Project Officer Stav Friedman participated on a panel in the Air Quality Forum 2021. Hosted by The Waterfront Conference Company and covering a range of topics, from how the pandemic impacted air quality to cost effective solutions, the Forum provided insight and inspiration for all attendees.

New Sustainability Hub

15th June 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has launched an exciting new resource for businesses – the Sustainability Hub. The FSB is keen to support businesses that want to reduce their carbon footprint. The Hub will be a great springboard for change and adaptation as businesses across London gradually move toward ‘Net Zero’ and sustainable ways of working.

All Things Clean Air Villages

15th June 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

The Clean Air Villages 4 project is progressing on a range of activities! These include monitoring of a range of air quality interventions on the horizon, the development of tools to support both businesses and residents alike in relation to the coming expansion of the ULEZ and research into river, rail and walking freight. The Lunchtime Launch series continues and ideas for the development of air quality tools are on-going.

The Northbank BID have launched their new cargo bike scheme, in collaboration with CRP and ecofleet, which is available for BID members to use for free. This service delivers within 5 miles of the BID and saves businesses time and money, improves customer satisfaction whilst helping to reduce pollution on local streets. Click here to register!

The Clean Air Villages 3 case studies are now available to download, covering cargo bikes, Vivacity traffic monitoring, the CRP LiveShare series, Clean Air Routes and EV switching.

For further information, please contact CRP Project Manager Kate Fenton.

Healthy Streets Everyday Interactive Map

15th June 2021 / Posted by Fiona Coull

CRP’s Healthy Streets Everyday (HSE) Webpage hosts an interactive map, showing initiatives across all HSE partner boroughs, BIDs and landowner locations. So far we have mapped over 270 HSE partner initiatives and have had 615+

As part of the webpage, users can search for specific School Streets, Parklets, Play Streets, Low Emission Neighbourhoods, Streetscape improvements and more! We’ve made it easy for users to find out who to contact to set up their own School Streets or Play Streets – simply scroll to the ’Your Questioned Answered’ section, input a postcode and you’re on your way.

Users also have the option to share their own Healthy Streets initiatives, which CRP upload to the interactive map – a handy form is available on all location pages as well as the home page. However, if you have any updates you would like us to share please do let us know!

All HSE guidance documents and case studies can be found on the webpage, as well as information on CRP’s Clean Air Day photo competition – check it out for the chance to win a £250 prize! *

For further information about the HSE Programme please contact CRP Project Manager Fiona Coull.

*Terms and conditions apply

Thames Vision 2050: Have Your Say

15th June 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Port of London Authority recently launched the initial stakeholder phase for Thames Vision 2050, an updated framework for development of the 95 miles of river from Teddington Lock to the North Sea.

If you are in any way connected to the tidal Thames – whether working on the river or looking after it’s environment – have your say!

Thames Vision 2050 centres on a short four-question survey – take the survey by midday Wednesday 14th July.

CRP’s Spotlight On: Julie Tucker, CRP Air Quality Ambassador

15th June 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Last year CRP launched an Air Quality Ambassador programme as part of Clean Air Villages 3 with City of London Corporation. We were excited to onboard and train our fantastic Air Quality Ambassador, Julie Tucker, PR & Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, Be Offices. We asked Julie about her role as an Air Quality Ambassador.

“It is serendipitous and entirely appropriate that as the City of London’s volunteer air quality ambassador, I work in the only office located on the UK’s first zero emissions street. With the full support of my employer, BE Offices, it is my honour to play a small part in promoting and supporting the excellent work of the Cross River Partnership in their quest for cleaner air for the City’s residents, workers and visitors.”

As well as engaging with her community and business colleagues on issues relating to air quality, Julie has been instrumental in the launching of CRP’s London Clean Air Community group on LinkedIn. Thank you Julie!

Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day

15th June 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

In a post-pandemic world, it’s extremely important to be supporting Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs). Many MSMEs were hit hard during the pandemic, including several that are run by women, minority groups and younger individuals. Collectively, these businesses provide 70% of jobs and 50% of GDP.

For these reasons, the UN General Assembly has declared 27th June Micro-, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Day. To support MSMEs and engage with the international community, the UN is running events from Thursday 24th June.

CRP has been working to support MSMEs through its Clean Air Villages 4, Clean Air Thames and Healthy Streets Everyday programmes to reduce their environmental impact and footprint. Understanding that this is a difficult time for businesses, in London and across the world, we are pleased to offer free tailored advice through the CRP deliverBest tool.

CRP’s Spotlight On: The Northbank BID

15th June 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

This week’s focus is on CRP BID partner The Northbank BID. We heard from Jade Thomas about the BID’s many air quality initiatives, plans for Men’s Health Week and more.

Northbank BID is located in the centre of London and includes iconic places and cultural attractions including, Trafalgar Square, National Gallery, Somerset House. The area is home to world class organisations, theatres, hotels, restaurants and universities.

The Strand is the spine of the area with history going back to the origins of London as a route along the river and now forms part of London’s processional route. Northbank takes its name from the Thames River and is a gateway to London’s West End, Covent Garden and beyond.

Today, the area has high footfall and vehicles which bring air quality challenges. The BID partnered with Westminster City Council and the local community to support initiatives such as the Business Low Emission Neighbourhood. This bought a real focus to the problem with on-street greening and behaviour change activities.

The Northbank team have worked with CRP for Clean Air Villages 3, Clean Air Villages 4 and Healthy Streets Everyday. programmes. These projects support walking, cycling and low emission alternatives for local deliveries such as Northbank BID’s cargo bike. Please see here for more on cycling!

Wellbeing is a core theme for the BID’s work and to mark Men’s Health Week this year, 14th – 20th June, the South Westminster BIDs will be hosting three virtual sessions to support both the physical and mental health of the men who work and live in the area. This includes two workshops which will focus on supporting men to be more aware of how mental health impacts happiness, health and work, along with how physical activity can be built into the working day to improve wellbeing. The BID are also hosting a 30 minute Walking Mindfulness session, which aims to help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Some of these sessions have been designed specifically for men, but everyone is welcome to join – sign up here!

Follow Us on Instagram and Facebook!

15th June 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP is joining Instagram and Facebook, bringing you our content across two more social media platforms! Follow us in time for the official launch of our new accounts on Clean Air Day, Thursday 17th June. We’ll be posting exclusive project updates, launches, events, competitions, and more! Please also visit our Twitter and LinkedIn to keep up to date.

For any suggestions, contributions or questions, please contact CRP Project Officer Rachael Aldridge.