Spotlight On: London Borough of Southwark

18th November 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Following the local Climate Emergency Conference ahead of COP26 (see article above), Councillor Kieron Williams, Leader of Southwark Council wrote to the UK’s Prime Minister, urging the government to ‘do more’ to tackle climate change and ‘to do it quickly’ through a series of financial and policy changes.

In the letter to RT Hon Boris Johnson, MP, Cllr Williams said:
“The resources you make available to deliver this shared ambition and responsibility are needed as soon as possible.  Now is the time for action, and we call on you to use this opportunity to make the changes that are so urgently needed for the future of our communities and our planet.”

The letter called on the government to:

  • Significantly increase funding for schemes that allow both local authorities and residents to upgrade the energy efficiency of their homes – making them low carbon, cosy and cheaper to heat, and to introduce a highly ambitious Future Homes Standard.
  • Create a sustainable funding deal for TfL to reduce carbon emissions and clean up our toxic air not just in Southwark, but across the whole of London and beyond. Transport accounts for 15% of the borough’s emissions, of which around 99% comes from on-road transport.
  • Provide new funding to ensure more sustainable recycling methods are available for all residents.
  • Provide new incentives to power a revolution in local renewable energy generation and avoid toxic energy sources.

Southwark now has a Citizens’ Jury in place to learn about, discuss, and make recommendations on action that could tackle climate change. They are due to submit their findings to the council in spring 2022.

Mayor of London Announces £1m ‘Untold Stories’ Fund

18th November 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Did you know that in London, only 4% of statues are named women, and only 1% are people of colour?

That’s why this month, the Mayor’s Commission for Diversity in the Public Realm has invited community-led organisations to submit applications for grants worth up to £25,000 to help refresh their public spaces to better reflect the stories of all of the groups who made London what it is today.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: “London’s diversity is its greatest strength but for far too long our capital’s statues, street names and buildings have only shown a limited perspective on our city’s complex history.

“I’m determined to do everything I can to ensure our public realm presents a more complete picture of everyone who has made London the incredible city it is today.

For more information and to apply for funding, click here.

Congratulations to Vauxhall One!

18th November 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP Business Improvement District partner Vauxhall One has been voted in for its third 5-year term!

Earning a victory with 87.4% of voters and 94.5% by rateable value, Vauxhall One will continue its work to share the largest regeneration zone in Europe.

Councillor Claire Holland, Leader of London Borough of Lambeth, said “I would like to congratulate Vauxhall BID for the fantastic ballot result, which is proof of the hard work and dedication that they have shown to local businesses and residents. We are looking forward to continuing working closely with them over the course of the next 5 years, developing Vauxhall’s reputation as a destination for Londoners and supporting businesses recovering after the pandemic.”

For more information on the BID’s plans for 2022 – 2027, please see the Vauxhall One Renewal Proposal.

The London Conference 2021

18th November 2021 / Posted by Sefinat Otaru

The Centre for London is holding their Annual London Conference on 30 November 2021. We encourage you to register and hear what the capital’s leaders have to say about its future.

We’re proud to have worked with the Centre for London on Lighting London Sustainably and Town Centre Futures which are closely linked to Women’s Safety and a Green Recovery for the City  – two of the five themes that will be covered during the conference.

See here to register.

Living Wage Week 2021

18th November 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

From 15th – 21st November, CRP is supporting Living Wage Week.

2021 marks 20 years of the Living Wage movement. By registering as a Living Wage employer, we provide an environment in which our staff feel valued. This helps us to create a strong, dynamic team of employees.

Find out more.

Welcome to new CRP Project Officer Jack!

26th October 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Since joining the team in October I’ve been introduced to the Clean Air Villages project where I will be working on technology solutions –developing CRP’s fantastic online tools and distribution, establishing urban logistics microhubs.

I am excited to apply my experience working on air quality projects to CAV4 and to branch out into new areas of work including transport, built environment and circularity.

The CRP team have been a delight. Everyone has taken the time to introduce themselves, explain their work, and help me feel confident with the projects I will be working on. Making London a greener, healthier place is so important to me and I know I will be proud of the work I deliver at CRP.

For more information, please contact Project Officer Jack Alexander

Welcome to new CRP Project Officer Dave!

26th October 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

I’ve really enjoyed my first fortnight at the Cross River Partnership and meeting all of the CRP team, both in-person and virtually. Everyone has been really supportive and friendly and I’ve felt very welcomed throughout the induction period. As London continues to open up again, and with COP26 almost upon us, the environment and air quality remain at the forefront of the public consciousness, and it’s exciting to be at an organisation working to make London greener.

It’s been very interesting to about the diverse range of projects that CRP have been working on, both in meetings and through publications. So far, I’ve been doing my introductory training, promoting our next Lunchtime Launch Webinar as part of Clean Air Villages 4, and working on promoting our publications to coincide with the ULEZ expansion.

For more information, please contact Dave Ebbrell.

COP26 in Glasgow

26th October 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

‘Green Place’ is the literal translation of the name Glasgow, and to Glaswegians the city is known as the Dear Green Place. This etymology seems apt as Glasgow will host the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties, also known as COP26 at the SEC in Glasgow on 31 October – 12 November 2021.

It will bring international leaders together for a crucial occasion; to decide how the world will act to tackle climate change and steer the future of our planet. Glasgow has announced its plans to become carbon-neutral by 2030, in a commitment reflective of its green ambitions with London also sharing this goal. Cross River Partnership is helping London to reach this goal through programmes such as Clean Air Villages 4 (CAV4) and Healthy Streets Everyday. COP 26 will be an opportunity for the UK to lead by example and it is a great opportunity to emphasise the importance of carbon-neutral projects, aims and actions.

For more information, please contact CRP Director Susannah Wilks.

London Port Health Authority Inspection

26th October 2021 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

I was honoured to take part in the London Port Health Authority’s Annual Inspection of the Port on Monday 11th October 2021, hosted by Mr. Keith Bottomley, CC, Chairman of the City of London Corporation’s Port Health and Environmental Services Committee.

After an early 07:45 start from Tower Millennium Pier, we were able to travel Eastwards along the Thames to visit the newly-constructed Tilbury 2 facility, where the Port Health & Public Protection Division is responsible for imported food and feed controls.

Thank you very much indeed to Mr. Keith Bottomley for an extremely informative, interesting and useful day.  It was wonderful to meet and renew so many important partner relationships with guests whose work supports the Port in a wide range of capacities.

By Susannah Wilks, CRP Director

Submission to the DEFRA Air Quality Grant

26th October 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP is pleased to announce that we have submitted a collaborative bid to Defra’s latest round of Air Quality Grant funding.  We are thankful to Westminster City Council for leading the application.

If the bid is successful, then CRP will deliver reductions in air quality with a focus on river freight and onward journeys by zero and ultra-low emission vehicles.  The Port of London Authority would be a key strategic partner.

The outcome is set to be announced in March 2022.

For further information, please contact CRP Project Manager Kate Fenton.