Brixton Urban Logistics Hub

30th June 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

For June’s Clean Air Day CRP visited Brixton with our partners at Pedal Me. We met with prospective businesses and offer gave a live demonstration on the cargo bikes that will be fulfilling deliveries. 

The businesses we spoke to were amazed at the capacity of the bike (300kg including the trailer) and impressed by the fast, professional service offered by Pedal Me.

We will encourage Brixton businesses to make use of this fantastic, fully-funded scheme for the rest of the summer, taking advantage of free, fast, reliable, low-emission deliveries. To get involved or to find out more, contact CRP Project Officer Jack Alexander.

By booking through the Pedal Me app businesses receive a time slot (so they know when to expect their delivery) and can live chat the Pedal Me team for any updates.

Cargo bikes are a fantastic way of tackling emissions. These deliveries reduce local traffic, idling, and road miles from failed delivery attempts. CRP will report on the impact of this trial in the conclusion of the CAV4 project.


Knot long to go until the CAV4 river freight pilot launches!

30th June 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP is working closely with the Port of London Authority on a river freight pilot with partners GPS MarineNorthbank BIDPort of London AuthorityCompleteiRecycleMayflower and Antalis.

This will showcase how the river has the capabilities for a multi-pick-up journey, bringing supplier goods into central London by boat.  Avoiding road congestion and reducing pollution in the process.  The last mile of the journey will be completed using a zero-emission cargo bike.

The aims of the clean air initiative, which is being delivered as part of the Defra-funded Clean Air Villages 4 programme, are to showcase how to setup river logistics and to share the learnings to encourage further use of the river.  This will lead to improved local air quality, and we look forward to exploring this further through the Clean Air Logistics in London (CALL) project.

For further information, please contact the CRP Project Manager, Kate

CALL Launch Event

30th June 2022 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

CRP is really pleased to have launched its latest Defra-funded Clean Air Logistics for London (CALL) programme. 

Westminster City Council’s Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality Councillor Paul Dimoldenberg was there to kick-off the programme, along with event sponsors Robin Mortimer of the Port of London Authority and Ruth Duston of Northbank BID.

The CALL programme is all about shifting more freight to enter London via river rather than by road, and to continue to clean up London’s air by using zero emission delivery modes for the final leg of the journey.

CRP Board Co-Chair Keith Bottomley (City of London Corporation) was able to welcome Lord Deben to the event – Lord Deben was the Secretary of State for the Environment back in 1994 when Cross River Partnership was first formed.

As CRP Board Co-Chair Simon Pitkeathley (Camden Town Unlimited/Euston Town BID)  said – “I’m constantly delighted and surprised when I see a new CRP initiative.  As a tiny organisation that started life dreaming about links across the river, we’ve come a long way.  That constant drive to innovate and learn is what makes it so special and such a pleasure to be involved with.”

Thank you to all CALL programme sponsors, funders, partners and colleagues for making the launch such a success!

For further information please contact CRP Programme Manager Fiona Coull.

MOVE 2022

27th June 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

This month CRP staff Sefinat Otaru and Dave Ebbrell were able to go to this year’s MOVE 2022 conference at the ExCel Centre, showcasing all the latest innovations, ideas and technology related to mobility.

As well as getting ideas and contacts for CRP’s future work in London and beyond, we attended talks on topics as diverse as ‘The Future of Public River Travel’ to how our partners at TfL are ‘Creating World Class Innovation’. All of the talks and information will help to guide our current and future projects and we look forward to putting all we learned into practice.

To see more of our past work on innovative solutions to electric vehicle charging, take a look at our EFLES video with partners UPS, UK Power Networks and Moixa.

Please contact CRP Project Manager Sefinat Otaru ( or CRP Project Officer Dave Ebbrell ( if you have any questions.

London Climate Action Week (LCAW)

27th June 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

The LCAW annual event will run from 25th June – 3rd July this year.  Now in its fourth year, the week will bring together world leading climate professionals, organisations and communities across London to find practical solutions to climate change whilst creating momentum to inspire others across the world to take positive action towards achieving net zero and an equitable and sustainable future.

Will your organisation be hosting an event?  What contribution are you planning to make?   

CAV4 Countdown

27th June 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

As the Clean Air Villages 4 project comes to an end, we have been celebrating the project’s achievements on CRP’s Instagram page. We have: 

  • Worked with 26 project partners  
  • Delivered 5 freight strands 
  • Hosted 16 online events with 58 expert speakers 
  • Contacted 20 businesses about the Realising Electric Vans Scheme 
  • Listed 106 businesses on the CRP Clean Air Villages Directory 
  • Added 200 Rapid Charging Hub Sites to the Urban Logistics Hub Map 

And much more! 

Thank you to our funder Defra and all the Clean Air Villages project partners for collaborating on a fantastic project which we can all be extremely proud of. We are really excited to have launched Clean Air Logistics for London to continue to improve air quality across London! 

Launching Towards Vision Zero

27th June 2022 / Posted by Ross Phillips

CRP has launched our latest guidance document, Towards Vision Zero: Guidelines to help Local Authorities in the development of Road Danger Reduction Strategies and Action Plans, as part of the Central London Sub-Regional Transport Partnership (CLSRTP).  

The guidance document provides key recommendations about how local authorities, BIDs and landowners can implement successful streetscape and traffic infrastructure that reduces collisions and casualties on the road network. The analysis, conducted by Steer, explores collision trend data over 5 years from 2016-2020, analysis 10 case studies and their success stories in detail across partner boroughs, and finally delivers the recommendations for achieving Vision Zero.  

Vision Zero is a key strategic priority for our CLSRTP partners boroughs, TfL and the Mayor and CRP are keen to support our partners and all Londoners working and using streets to make them safer.  

If you have any questions about the guidance document, please email Ross Phillips at 

Clean Air Freight Project Launched!

27th June 2022 / Posted by Fiona Coull

CRP have just launched a new project called Clean Air Freight! 

Clean Air Freight (CAF) is an Urban Health-funded project helping the freight sector to deliver clean air as part of the Guy’s and St Thomas’ Foundation. The project will minimise the harmful emissions from freight within the London Borough of Lambeth and the London Borough of Southwark. 

The project aims to prepare for more rail freight deliveries into London and trail zero emission last mile logistics from a centre in South London. 

If you want to find out more please contact CRP Project manager Kate Fenton. 

New Walking Freight Feasibility Study

27th June 2022 / Posted by Isidora Rivera Vollmer

CRP have just launched a new feasibility study focusing on walking freight in London! Walking freight is a mode of logistics where foot-based porters play a key role in deliveries and collections. 

This model has significant potential to expand within London, as it has advantages over other logistics modes which make it an efficient and commercially viable choice in specific circumstances. 

You can read a summary of our new report HERE. and the full report HERE.  

CRP’s New River Freight Pilot

25th May 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

With deliveries into the capital set to hit over 1 billion per year by 2030, river freight has the potential to reduce both congestion and pollution in London.  

As a result, CRP is very excited to announce the imminent launch of our brand new river freight pilot, connecting businesses and their suppliers via the Thames. For the pilot, CRP are working with Northbank BID, Port of London Authority, Complete and iRecycle to make up to 3 deliveries a week bringing office supplies into Central London, and taking recycling from businesses out of the City Centre.

The pilot is set to launch in June, so keep an eye out for its progress on CRP’s Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn for updates!

CRP have also recently released guidance documents related to river freight, including ‘Getting Started with River Freight: A Guide for Businesses’; ‘Clean Air Villages 4 Project Butler’s Wharf and Dartford Pier’, monitoring air and noise pollution on a vessel and two piers, and ‘Light Freight: Design Solutions for Thames Freight Infrastructure’

Read all of CRP’s guidance documents here