6 funding bids submitted

5th December 2022 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

CRP has submitted 6 collaborative funding bids during 2022, including ones to new potential funding sources. 

They are: 

  1. Smarter Greener Logistics submitted to Defra 
  2. JUST STREETS submitted to Horizon 
  3. DISTRICT submitted to Horizon with industry partner UPS 
  4. CO-CARE submitted to Driving Urban Transitions with academic partners University of Westminster and London School of Economics 
  5. Greening proposals shared with the boroughs within the Communities and Places strand of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund 
  6. Consultancy proposals submitted to a number of London boroughs and BIDs 

Keep your fingers crossed for some positive outcomes! 

CRP Director Susannah Wilks, susannahwilks@crossriverpartnership.org