CRP’s Next Online Event: Tackling Air Pollution Through Technology

25th May 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

Join CRP for an interactive, online event, ‘Tackling Air Pollution Through Technology’.

Join Cross River Partnership (CRP) for the fifth session of CRP’s Connect 4 Series – Tackling Air Pollution through Technology, taking place on Thursday 26th May, 4pm – 4:45pm.

From air quality monitors to online tools, emerging technologies are crucial for tackling the air pollution problem.

CRP will be joined by Pluvo and Liberty Charge, hearing from expert speakers on the importance of data-driven work to improve air quality in London.


Register for Connect 4 here!

London Local Elections – May 2022

25th May 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

A huge congratulations to all the councillors across the capital who have secured or kept their seats in the local elections earlier this month.

A special shout out goes to Adam Hug, the new Leader of Westminster City Council, CRP’s accountable body, and all his new Cabinet members Cllrs Tim Roca, Aicha Less, Nafsika Butler-Thalassis, Geoff Barraclough, David Boothroyd, Paul Dimoldenberg, Liza Begum and Matt Noble. CRP are very much looking forward to working with them to deliver on their new priorities for the Council.

Read the new Westminster City Council Manifesto

CRP speak at Logistics UK’s ‘Light Freight on the Thames’ event

23rd May 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP Project Officer Dave Ebbrell spoke last week at the ‘Light Freight on the Thames’ event, held at the lovely Watermen’s Hall. Other speakers at the event included representatives from the PLA, DHL, Thames Estuary Growth Board and WSP, all exploring various ways to increase the uptake of the Thames for freight, including a panel discussion to further explore the themes discussed.

Dave presented on a range of CRP’s recent river freight work including:

A huge thanks to Logistics UK for organising the event. For any questions please email 

EFLES Update

23rd May 2022 / Posted by Sefinat Otaru

Last month, we joined our EV Fleet-Centred Local Energy System (EFLES) project partners, UK Power Network Services, Moixa and UPS, to demonstrate the system to stakeholders at the UPS Camden Depot.  

We have worked on the project for more than two years, collaborating on an artificial intelligence solution optimising existing EV infrastructure.   

More fleet operators are transitioning to EVs – or contemplating switching from diesel or petrol vehicles – to mitigate climate change. EFLES could be a solution for operators to get the best out of their fleets by charging their vehicles when power is cheapest, participating in flexibility services and managing power from onsite power sources such as solar panels. 

CRP supports the move towards EVs to combat poor air quality. As an EFLES project partner, we will continue to explore opportunities presented by the project and share our findings with you. 

For more information, contact CRP Project Manager, Sefinat Otaru. 


Let’s Walk London: New Campaign Maps

26th April 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

Footways London have mapped quiet and interesting walking routes, getting more Londoners to make sustainable travel choices.

A network of enjoyable walking routes linking London’s stations with some of the city’s best destinations is being charted in a new Central London Footways map. The paper map will be distributed free to Londoners, with 10K copies made available at Network Rail’s 11 mainline stations from 23th May or a digital copy which can be accessed via the Footways London website.

The project, published by Footways and designed by Applied Information, maps hundreds of kilometres of safe and pedestrian-friendly walking routes in London that are low on vehicle traffic and pollution, making it easier for Londoners to find clean air routes to reduce their exposure to toxic air.

The back of the map includes a ‘Quick Connections’ tool to show how easy it is to walk from A-to-B. The map also lists hidden features, new destinations, and interesting attractions to discover, making journeys even more enjoyable.

Everyone is invited to get involved in Let’s Walk London. Visit the Footways London website to find your route or follow @FootwaysLondon on Twitter and Instagram.

Mental Health Awareness Week

26th April 2022 / Posted by Ross Phillips

Mental Health Awareness Week is run by the Mental Health Foundation to enable the UK to focus on achieving good mental health. The Mental Health Foundation started the event 21 years ago, and each year a theme is chosen – and this year’s theme is loneliness. This year, it takes place from 9th – 16th May.

Loneliness is affecting more and more of us in the UK and has had a huge impact during the pandemic. There is a clear importance for connecting with other people and improving and protecting our mental health from forging these connections to reduce loneliness.

CRP has just hosted an away day, where we planned and strategized in each other’s company. CRP’s projects also aim to improve mental health and reduce loneliness by focussing on communities, greening, air quality and active travel, to support London and the UK’s population to feel improved mental health and reduced loneliness.

EV Fleet-Centred Local Energy System – Project Update

26th April 2022 / Posted by Sefinat Otaru

The EV Fleet-Centred Local Energy System (EFLES) pilot is a collaboration between UPSUK Power Network ServicesMoixa and CRP, supported by Innovate UK, to use artificial intelligence to optimise existing infrastructure. It’s successful completion means fleet operators will have a platform that enables them to get the most out of their energy use at their depots while minimising costs. This is particularly significant given the transition towards EVs and rising energy costs. The project is in its final stages and should end in the latter part of this year.

For more information watch the video below:

CRP’s Away Day

26th April 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

(Almost!) all of the CRP Team met in sunny Regent’s Park last Thursday to discuss all things CRP-related. This included a session on ‘Presenting with Power’, developing our Monitoring and Data Analysis Services, and improving the newsletter … so keep an eye out for the revamped version next month!

National Walking Month

26th April 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

May is the Living Streets National Walking Month. The challenge is to #try20 – walk for 20 minutes each day during May. This nationwide incentive has many benefits for both you and the city. By walking instead of using a car you can help improve your local air quality. But walking is not just about your environment, walking even for a short time improves your overall health and can reduce the risk of a number of preventable health conditions such as heart disease, certain cancers and Type 2 diabetes. It can also improve your mood, increase your vitamin D levels and help you engage with your local area and community.

Millennium Bridge Celebrates 20 Years

26th April 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

One of CRP’s most iconic projects, the Millennium Bridge, celebrates it’s 20th anniversary this year.  Along with CRP, other project partners were the City of LondonSouthwark Council, the Millennium Commission and Bridge House Trust.

The bridge was built to encourage more activity on the embankment near St Paul’s Cathedral and to bring visitors further south straight to the doors of one of Europe’s largest art galleries, the Tate Modern, and to other tourist attractions south of the river.

The design concept of the bridge was to create ‘a ribbon of steel’ across the river to maintain spectacular views from St Paul’s Cathedral and the Tate Modern. The bridge design was chosen through an international open competition held in 1996 by Southwark Council, the Financial Times, and the Royal Institute of British Architects. The competition was won by Foster & Partners and Sir Anthony Caro with ARUP as the engineering team.

The project was partially funded through the Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) programme administered by the London Development Agency. Other funders included the project partners mentioned above.

Project partners and the bridge’s architectural designers and engineers will mark the occasion at an event to be held in May.