Clean Air Villages 4 – Quarter 2 Steering Group Meeting

26th October 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP held the second Steering Group meeting on Thursday 14th October for the DEFRA-funded Clean Air Villages 4 (CAV4) project, attended by its project partners.

The CAV4 project is helping all of the project partners to make improvements to air quality through the delivery of innovative freight solutions that address consolidation, distribution, mode, technology and policy issues.

Some of the progress made to date on the CAV4 project during the last quarter includes:

  • Air quality and noise monitors on the Guy’s & St Thomas’ river boat and the piers at Dartford and London Bridge.
  • Surveys of tenants / members of Cadogan Estates and Central District Alliance to explore potential for consolidation and/or preferred supplier lists.
  • Introductions between landowners and logistics operators for spaces listed on the urban logistics hub map.
  • Procurement of telematic dongles to provide free support to businesses gathering data informed choice whilst switching.
  • Focus group held on walking freight.
  • Expansion of the CRP Clean Air Villages Directory to include 11 new local village pages.
  • Delivery of Lunchtime Launch  online webinars.

For more information, please visit the CAV4 Project Page.

Clean Air Villages 4 article in the Public Sector Executive magazine

26th October 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

The Public Sector Executive have published an article about the Clean Air Villages 4 (CAV4) programme.  You can read it here.  CRP’s recently launched ULEZ resources were referenced, as was river freight and the Clean Air Tool.

For further information, please contact CRP Project Manager Kate Fenton.

World Car Free Day Play Streets in Tower Hamlets

26th October 2021 / Posted by Fiona Coull

CRP’s Healthy Streets Everyday programme has helped to fund six play streets at schools in London Borough of Tower Hamlets as part of the borough’s Car Free Day celebrations.

World Car Free Day, which occured on the 22nd of September, is a day dedicated to prioritising streets for pedestrians, cyclists, and children, enabling them to play safely without the danger of road traffic.

This year, pupils from six schools across Tower Hamlets (Harry Gosling Primary School, Culloden Primary SchoolGlobe Primary School, Kobi Nazrul Primary School, Lansbury Lawrence Primary and Cayley Primary School) enjoyed car free streets as part of the celebrations. The play streets also included a variety of activities, such as disco bikes, games and toys from the Museum of Childhood, and a BMX show.

As well as providing additional space for children to play, the events also helped to raise awareness around the issues associated with road safety and poor air quality, which particularly impact young children.

The celebrations also helped to highlight the roll out of School Streets across Tower Hamlets, with the borough committing to deliver 50 School Streets across the borough, 21 of which have already been delivered and 16 of which are in progress.

For further information about Car Free Day, school streets and the Healthy Streets Everyday project, please visit the HSE webpage or contact CRP Project Manager Fiona Coull.

CRP’s Monitoring and Data Analysis Services

26th October 2021 / Posted by Ross Phillips

CRP is building on the success of its cross-project Vivacity monitoring programme by offering bespoke, value-for-money data analysis services to unlock the potential of your traffic monitoring data.

By providing in-depth analysis that is tailored to your needs, CRP can help to provide the proof of concept for local initiatives whilst enabling evidence-based decision making for both you and your stakeholders.

CRP has also developed new capabilities that compliment existing analysis provided by the service and can deliver tailored reports on the following activities:

  • Active travel and traffic count analysis (e.g., pedestrians, cyclists, motorbikes, cars, vans, HGVs and buses)
  • Granular level event analysis
  • Movement / road user behaviour analysis (including social distancing)
  • Speed reporting
  • Turning count analysis
  • Air quality impacts

As part of the Clean Air Villages 4 (CAV4) programme, CRP will also be supporting The Fitzrovia Partnership with monitoring and data analysis by looking at the impact of the Ultra-Low Emission Zone expansion on vehicle movements along streets in the BID area.

Please contact CRP Project Manager Fiona Coull if you are interested in CRP supporting your evidenced-based decision-making with detailed data analysis services.

ULEZ has expanded

26th October 2021 / Posted by Ross Phillips

The Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) expanded yesterday to create a single larger zone up to, but not including, the North Circular Road (A406) and South Circular Road (A205).

Cars, motorcycles, vans and other specialist vehicles (up to and including 3.5 tonnes), and minibuses (up to and including 5 tonnes) will either need to meet the ULEZ emissions standards, or pay a £12.50 daily charge when driving within the expanded ULEZ zone.

Through the Clean Air Villages 4 programme, CRP has produced some ULEZ expansion resources to support business and residents with the change. These focus on providing flow charts to mitigate the impact of the ULEZ for any non-compliant vehicles, whilst providing detailed financial costs of the impact for use throughout a week, month and year.

Listen to CRP Project Manager Ross Phillips speaking about the ULEZ expansion on the Evening Standard’s podcast ‘The Leader’ here.

You can download the resources here:

If you have any questions about the ULEZ expansion resources, please contact CRP Communications Project Manager Rachael Aldridge.

A People First Vision for London’s Streets

26th October 2021 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

Cross River Partnership’s latest report ‘The Lived Experience of Our Streets: A People First Vision for London’s Streets’, produced by NOOMA Studio for the TfL-funded Central London Sub Regional Transport Partnership, sets a vision to create a more equitable and accessible street for all users across London.

Now presents a timely opportunity for London’s key players to work together to implements practical solutions to address issues regarding transport, footfall, environment and functionality of London’s street space.

This report aims to guide decision makers to put people at the centre of London’s street space, exploring four different street typologies across the London Boroughs of CamdenLambethWandsworth and Westminster and the lived experience of those who use London’s streets.

The report includes a Foreword by Keith Bottomley, Vice Chair of Policy at the City of London Corporation and Co-Chair of the CRP Board, alongside Simon Pitkeathley of Camden Town Unlimited and Euston Town BIDs.

“The question of how our streets look, feel and function is more important than ever. Fresh and radical thinking is needed to deliver accessible and inclusive streets that will support the Capital’s recovery from Covid-19, tackle carbon emissions, improve air quality and adapt to a changing climate.” 

The report makes recommendations on how to balance the needs of different street users at different locations, including freight deliverers, pedestrians, cyclists and others.  These will be developed further as part of CRP’s Defra-funded Clean Air Villages 4 programme.

To read the report, please see below:

Full Report: The Lived Experience of Our Streets: A People First Vision for London’s Streets 

Executive Summary: The Lived Experience of Our Streets: A People First Vision for London’s Streets

For further information please contact CRP Communications Project Manager Rachael Aldridge.

October is Black History Month

26th October 2021 / Posted by Isidora Rivera Vollmer

October is Black History Month!

The first UK event was launched in London back in October 1987. The month was founded by Ghanaian analyst, journalist and activist Akyaaba Addai-Sebo.

During Black History Month, the aim is for all communities to challenge different forms of racism, such as internalised, interpersonal, institutional, and structural racism, to address white privilege, and to educate ourselves and others about Black British history that is not yet consistently taught in all schools.

Schools and others can access educational Black History Month resource packs, including magazines, creative artwork posters as well as newly produced teaching materials, through the BHM 2021 website.

At Westminster City Council, the theme of this year’s Black History Month is ‘Everybody Connected’. The BAME Network has planned a series of events, such as free historic Black Legacy Walks around Westminster. You can sign up to the events here.

There are also free digital displays provided by the Black Cultural Archives here. You can also visit the Black Cultural Archives in person, for free in Brixton – this is the only national black heritage centre in the UK so far.

For more information, please go to the Black History Month website, which is full of inspiration for ongoing attention beyond the month of October, always.

CRP’s Spotlight On: Eastern City Partnership

26th October 2021 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

The Eastern City Partnership (EC Partnership) has been founded by a group of landowners and occupiers looking to work collaboratively with the City of London Corporation, and other public sector partners.​ ​

The partnership has a shared view to champion local priorities, and amplify the significant assets across the footprint of the area.​ ​

The geographical area which the EC Partnership covers is vital to the UK economy. Success will create a ripple effect across the wider economy, which will be more important than ever in the post COVID era. ​

CRP is extremely pleased to be working alongside the EC Partnership.  EC Partnership became a formal partner at the September 2021 Board meeting of Cross River Partnership – welcome!

For more information, please contact CRP Director Susannah Wilks.

Lunchtime Launch 11 – November: Parks and Climate Change: Good Parks for London 2021 Report Launch

26th October 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

November’s Lunchtime Launch showcases the virtual launch of this year’s Good Parks for London report on Thursday 18th November 2021, 1:15pm – 2:00pm.

The annual report published by Parks for London showcases the great work that land managers are doing in and around London, especially in considering the effects of climate change and how parks can mitigate them.

This online interactive Lunchtime Launch session will explore the importance of parks and green infrastructure in climate change and air quality mitigation strategies through key addresses by; Judy Ling Wong CBE, the Honorary President of the Black Environment Network (BEN) and author of the report’s foreword, Parks for London, Joanne Dennis-Jones, National Head of Planning at GL Hearn, report sponsors and Cross River Partnership, as well as from the London Borough that has shown inspiring improvement in its parks service.

The main learning points from this session include:

  • How London’s parks can play a key role in climate and air quality strategies.
  • How parks can mitigate the impacts of climate change.
  • The importance of green infrastructure in our cities.

Lunchtime Launch 10 –  October: The Challenges and Opportunities of Fleet Electrification

26th October 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Join us from 1:15pm – 2:00pm, Thursday 28th October, to discuss findings from the Electric Vehicle (EV) Fleet-Centre Local Energy System (EFLES) project, a collaboration between CRP, UK Power Networks Services, UPS and Moixa.

CRP Project Manager Sefinat Otaru will be giving an overview of all of CRP’s past and present work with EVs and their associated infrastructure. We will also be joined by Pantelis Stefas, UK Power Networks Services, who will be highlighting how fleet owners can be supported to gain the benefits of going electric, as well as future areas of development in the sector. Also speaking will be Adam Cundy, Moixa, introducing the cloud-based platform GridShare and its application and value to fleet electrification. Lastly, we will be joined by Claire Thompson-Sage, UPS, who will be discussing best-practice case studies from around the globe and how UPS can bring down the cost of electrification of fleet.

The main learning points from this session include:

  • How EFLES has explored the potential for shared charging for publicly accessible rapid charge points.
  • How successful partnership can lead to the acceleration of rapid electrification of commercial fleets.
  • How charging can be optimised to generate revenue within energy systems.

For more information, please contact CRP Communications Project Manager Rachael Aldridge.