National Sustainability Awards 2022

27th July 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

We are pleased that Electric Vehicle Fleet-Centred Local Energy System (EFLES) has been shortlisted for the National Sustainability Awards! CRP has been shortlisted for ‘Major Project of the Year’ and ‘Low Carbon Transport Initiative of the Year’, alongside project partners UK Power Networks Services, UPS and Moixa.

We look forward to hearing the outcome soon!

Business Cargo Bike Guide

27th July 2022 / Posted by Sefinat Otaru

CRP is pleased to launch Business Cargo Bike Guide, a resource for London businesses looking for information on cargo bikes. We’ve populated the site with useful (and easily digestible) information on points to consider before getting a cargo bike, types of cargo bike, operating and maintaining them, and more.

Businesses are being encouraged to switch to zero or low emission transport, to help mitigate climate change and improve air quality. Cargo bikes are a less expensive, more reliable option for businesses making local deliveries.

A critical barrier to businesses using cargo bikes is a lack of knowledge about them.  There is a need for guidance specifically geared toward businesses rather than for personal use. Existing knowledge is fragmented across the internet, and SMEs often don’t have the time to research this information. Businesses may also be in a position where they’ve purchased a cargo bike but have limited knowledge about getting the best out of them and perhaps underusing or misusing them.

CRP has worked with Business Improvement District and Local Authority partners on cargo bike share schemes across London. We’ve also researched related topics such as bike infrastructure and support active travel. We’ve distilled our experience into useful information and included a directory of related services to give businesses what they need to get the best out of cargo bikes.

For more information, please contact CRP Project Manager Sefinat Otaru –

River Freight Pilot Launch

27th July 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP is excited to launch a river freight pilot along the River Thames as part of the Defra-funded Clean Air Villages 4 project on Tuesday 26th July.

CRP is working with the Port of London Authority, The Northbank BID, GPS Marine, Absolutely Courier, Complete, iRecycle, Mayflower, Antalis and London’s pier owners.

Businesses in The Northbank BID and surrounding areas are being invited to order office and cleaning suppliers from participating suppliers during a six-week pilot period. Goods will travel down the Thames from Dartford and Woolwich, arriving into Woods Quay, located on Embankment, next to Waterloo Bridge. Woods Quay is helping with the trial ‘out of hours’. Through this pilot, businesses and suppliers will work together to consolidate deliveries, helping London’s economy and freight industry.

For more information, please contact CRP Project Manager Kate Fenton –

CRP Supports Property X-Change

27th July 2022 / Posted by Fiona Coull

CRP has been working with the Mayor of London as one of the founding partners of the recently launched Property X-Change!

The Property X-Change forms part of the London Recovery Programme and aims to encourage thriving high streets for all. It’s mission is to create an open platform for knowledge exchange, a diverse network of high street champions, and a bright future for London’s high streets.

CRP attended the launch of the Property X-Change at City Hall, where 15 panellists took on the challenge of responding to a variety of prompts related to our high streets.

The event also celebrated the launch of the Property X-Change website, which provides information on how to discover and engage with inspiring stories about high street regeneration and development.

For more information, please contact CRP Programme Manager Fiona Coull –

CRP Clean Air Villages Directory

25th July 2022 / Posted by Isidora Rivera Vollmer

We are happy to announce that two businesses have recently been added to the CRP Clean Air Villages Directory: Subship and Man Maid! 

Subship is a hyperlocal grocery service, delivering beer, coffee, food, and more, by shared electric van and electric bike – proudly fossil free since they began delivering in 2020! 

Man Maid are a team of handy people providing handyman services to homeowners around West and Southwest London. They use tool trikes (electric cargo bikes) to carry their tools and materials – thus beating traffic jams and able to park directly outside their clients’ homes. 

Do you also wish to be added to the directory? 

Then follow our link at the bottom of the CRP Clean Air Villages Directory page and fill in our form.

Love Parks Week

25th July 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

Love Parks Week takes place 29th July – 5th August, providing people with an excellent opportunity to shout out about green spaces in their area and beyond. The main aim of the week is to try and get everyone outdoors in the fresh air by enjoying their local park. Getting out in the fresh air and taking a walk has many health benefits and is especially great for our mental health. 

Many of our green spaces are looked after and protected by volunteers and workers and Love Parks Week provides an excellent opportunity to thank them for their efforts!

Cycle to Work Day

25th July 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

Did you know that in London, cycling levels are up by 17% on weekdays and 82% on weekends? 

If you want to get involved, why not get on your bike for Cycle to Work Day, which is celebrating its 10th year on 4th August. Join thousands of other commuters improving London’s air, making themselves healthier and happier and saving money. 

 If you need help finding a way to work, use CRP’s Clean Air Route Finder!

The Smogmobile

25th July 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

During London Climate Action Week, a ‘Smogmobile’ visited The Strand in Westminster. Enviro Technology have a mobile air quality monitoring lab which can track emissions. Westminster City Council, The Northbank BID and CRP joined up to talk with the public about the health implications of idling. The vehicle measures emissions and particulates to demonstrate the health risks created by pollution from vehicles and engine idling. CRP was also promoting the Clean Air Villages 4 river freight pilot. 

Councillor Paul Dimoldenberg, Westminster City Council’s new Cabinet Member for City Management and Air Quality, attended the event.

 Did you know that it is an offence to leave a vehicle’s engine running unnecessarily while that vehicle is stationary on a public road? 

 For more information, please contact CRP Project Manager Kate Fenton – 

Brixton Urban Logistics Hub

30th June 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

For June’s Clean Air Day CRP visited Brixton with our partners at Pedal Me. We met with prospective businesses and offer gave a live demonstration on the cargo bikes that will be fulfilling deliveries. 

The businesses we spoke to were amazed at the capacity of the bike (300kg including the trailer) and impressed by the fast, professional service offered by Pedal Me.

We will encourage Brixton businesses to make use of this fantastic, fully-funded scheme for the rest of the summer, taking advantage of free, fast, reliable, low-emission deliveries. To get involved or to find out more, contact CRP Project Officer Jack Alexander.

By booking through the Pedal Me app businesses receive a time slot (so they know when to expect their delivery) and can live chat the Pedal Me team for any updates.

Cargo bikes are a fantastic way of tackling emissions. These deliveries reduce local traffic, idling, and road miles from failed delivery attempts. CRP will report on the impact of this trial in the conclusion of the CAV4 project.


Knot long to go until the CAV4 river freight pilot launches!

30th June 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP is working closely with the Port of London Authority on a river freight pilot with partners GPS MarineNorthbank BIDPort of London AuthorityCompleteiRecycleMayflower and Antalis.

This will showcase how the river has the capabilities for a multi-pick-up journey, bringing supplier goods into central London by boat.  Avoiding road congestion and reducing pollution in the process.  The last mile of the journey will be completed using a zero-emission cargo bike.

The aims of the clean air initiative, which is being delivered as part of the Defra-funded Clean Air Villages 4 programme, are to showcase how to setup river logistics and to share the learnings to encourage further use of the river.  This will lead to improved local air quality, and we look forward to exploring this further through the Clean Air Logistics in London (CALL) project.

For further information, please contact the CRP Project Manager, Kate