Co-ordinating Central London Boroughs

2nd February 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

The Central London Sub-Regional Transport Partnership (CLSRTP) brings together the senior transport officers from the 10 boroughs of central London, on behalf of Transport for London, and facilitated by CRP.

Recent CLSRTP outputs include:

We are excited to announce we will also be launching a new ‘Parking Scheme Assessment Guidance’ framework and ‘Freight Noise Management in Urban Environments report in the coming weeks!

These 10 boroughs meet every month to share best practice and lessons learnt, to co-ordinate activities across borough boundaries, and to commission mutually-useful studies, investigations and trials to help London. The 10 boroughs are: the City of London Corporation, London Boroughs of Camden, HackneyIslingtonLambethLewisham,
Southwark, Wandsworth, Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea, Westminster City Council.

For further information about the CRP-facilitated CLSRTP work, please contact the group’s Chair, CRP Senior Project Officer Laura Jacklin, or CRP’s Director Susannah Wilks.

CRP’s Healthy Streets Everyday launches new Guidance Document

2nd February 2021 / Posted by Fiona Coull

Cross River Partnership’s Healthy Streets Everyday programme is excited to announce the launch of ‘Mobility Justice & Transport Inclusivity’; an inspiring and reflective guidance document that explores five stories of mobility (in)justice faced by disabled people.

Transport can be one of the principal barriers faced by disabled people. This is explored throughout the document with themes such as journey planning, experiences of private and public transport, and active travel being discussed as part of the different personal accounts.

The five individuals also touched on how the pandemic has impacted their mobility with measures such as emergency streetscape changes having either positive or negative implications. By providing a voice to the everyday experiences of individuals who experience mobility (in)justice, the guidance aims to raise awareness of the variety of considerations that need to be taken in order to make transport and mobility truly accessible for everyone.

In addition, CRP would also like to highlight Transport for All’s Pave The Way report, an independent and in-depth research study into how disabled people have been impacted by Low Traffic Neighbourhoods, and the barriers to Active Travel more broadly.

CRP and its partners are extremely grateful to the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund for making this Guidance Document possible.

For further information about the Healthy Streets Everyday project, please contact CRP Project Manager Fiona Coull.

CRP’s Second Lunchtime Launch: Making Monitoring Meaningful

2nd February 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Join CRP for our second Lunchtime Launch,Making Monitoring Meaningfulon Thursday 25th February, 1:15pm – 2pm. At this interactive session, we will be exploring how to extract meaningful insights from monitoring data. Over the past year we have seen a growing interest in, and an associated scrutiny of, interventions to improve air quality. With resources increasingly under strain, how can we make sure we collect the right data, and put it to effective use?

Sign up here.

The main learning points within this session include:

  • How data can be captured through Artificial Intelligence
  • Transforming monitoring data to be meaningful and practical
  • How captured data can aid the decision making process

CRP Technical Project Officer Abby McDougall and CRP Project Manager Fiona Coull will outline current monitoring as part of CRP’s projects, including the latest insights from a 3-month traffic and road user monitoring programme. In collaboration with Vivacity, CRP have analysed data from sensors installed at 14 locations across London. This programme cuts across two of CRP’s projects, Defra-funded Clean Air Villages and Mayor of London-funded Healthy Streets Everyday, to help CRP and partners understand how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting traffic and active travel on London’s streets.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Centre for London and CRP: Town Centre Futures

19th January 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

The COVID-19 pandemic has presented a unique opportunity to create a greener, cleaner recovery, and enhance the roles of all of London’s Centres moving forward. CRP is very pleased to launch a new research project: Town Centre Futures. This will provide practical recommendations for London’s key players, inter-linking transport, economic, environmental, cultural and health aspects of London’s future.

This research, delivered by Centre for London, will focus on up to 12 typologies across London, covering London’s major centres, district centres and neighbourhood centres. London has created an enormous value based on collaboration and innovation, and this report aims to bring together partners from across London to emphasis and build on this.

This study forms part of the Transport for London-funded Central London Sub-Regional Transport Partnership
(CLSRTP). CLSRTP enables collaboration and information-sharing between partner boroughs on key sub-regional transport priorities.

This study work will take place between January and the end of March 2021, with the study being ready for implementation in the new financial year, starting 1st April 2021. Short, medium and long term recommendations will be made throughout the report on how London’s Centres can work together and transform to deliver futures that are successful economically, environmentally and socially.

To find out more, please visit the Town Centre Futures project page or contact CRP Project Officer Rachael Aldridge.

CRP’s Staff Spotlight On: Carina Mesquita

19th January 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

I have been working as a Project Officer at CRP since March 2020, supporting the team to deliver the Clean Air Villages 3 programme and leading solutions in Northbank BID area.

The CRP team is very supportive and friendly. Even though we have been working remotely for the last ten months, everyone is always finding a way to stay together, promoting tea time and wellbeing sessions to support each other to keep a positive attitude during this time.

Clean Air Thames: Round 2 Vessel Retrofit Funding Available

19th January 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Are you an operator running vessels on the Tidal Thames within Greater London? A second round of funding is available to help retrofit vessels operating on the inland Thames, in order to reduce emissions and improve air quality. CRP will be accepting applications until 12th February 2021.

Clean Air Thames is a three year project funded by the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund and is being delivered by CRP in partnership with the Greater London Authority (GLA), the Port of London Authority and the City of London Corporation. The project aims to assist commercial freight and passenger boat operators to reduce their hazardous emissions by up to 90% by providing funding to support retrofitting their vessels with post-exhaust treatments.

Please see here for more information on the project, and to apply please see here. For further information, please contact CRP Project Manager Sefinat Otaru.

London BIDs Summit 2021 and GLA Recovery Mission 

19th January 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

On 11th February at 10am, the GLA are hosting the London BIDs Summit 2021. This will be an opportunity for BIDs to hear and engage with the Mayor’s recovery missions for London and identify ways for BIDs to contribute to an equitable recovery for London.

The Recovery Mission aims to restore confidence in the city, minimise the impact on London’s most vulnerable community and rebuild the city’s economy and society. This includes High Streets, Strong Communities, Digital Access for all and A Green New Deal. The missions based approach was inspired by UCL’s Professor Mariana Mazzucato. This will bring together the public, private and voluntary sectors.

Best Foot Forward!

19th January 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Two active travel webinars are being delivered by the Clean Air Villages 3 project, targeting the Angel BID and South Bank BID areas. CRP is delighted to be partnering with Groundwork for their

  • The first webinar, Wednesday 24th February, 2pm – 3pm, is about air pollution and how to incorporate active travel into your daily life.
  • The second webinarMonday 1st March, 2pm – 3pm, covers cycling, including safety, maintenance, costs and inclusivity.

Two more similar webinars will follow, which will be aimed at a wider audience. Watch this space!

For further information, please contact CRP Project Manager Kate Fenton.

Clean Air Deliveries for Deptford’s Charities

19th January 2021 / Posted by Ross Phillips

As part of Lewisham’s selected site for Clean Air Villages 3, CRP, London Borough of Lewisham and ecofleet have been working with businesses and community groups in Deptford to offer organisations the chance to trial electrically assisted cargo bikes for their deliveries and pickups within 5 miles.

Since November 2020, we have supported a local pharmacy to deliver to vulnerable, shielding or isolating residents around Deptford and New Cross on a weekly basis. In December 2020, a Lewisham foodbank began to use the scheme to deliver to their local hubs in New Cross, Deptford and Honor Oak, as well as residential addresses in the week leading up to Christmas.

The cargo bike has been an immense resource for organisations delivering community or charitable functions. For more information, please contact CRP Project Officer Ross Phillips.

CRP’s Spotlight On: Team London Bridge

19th January 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

This week, we are showcasing the work of CRP BID partner Team London Bridge and their new five year plan for the area. 

Team London Bridge launched their five-year business plan for 2021-26 last week. The organisation has been managing the Business Improvement District (BID) for the London Bridge area since 2006 and will be asking their BID members to vote between 25 January and 25 February as to whether they will continue funding the additional services outlined, in the ‘Our London Bridge’ proposal. The signs are positive, even in this extraordinary time, as Team London Bridge has strong local support and a track record of delivering projects that make a tangible different to the business community.

The vision for the area over the coming five years is to make London Bridge one of the most sustainable, culturally innovative and compelling places for business and tourism in the world. No small task, but to achieve this Team London Bridge is giving the community six commitments:

  • Provide added resilience to future social and economic shocks
  • Make London Bridge part of a Carbon Zero Southwark by 2030
  • Make London Bridge a ‘front stage’ for London culture
  • Make London Bridge the most enjoyable, safe, and convenient place to work in London
  • Make a green and healthy street environment that puts walking and cycling first, providing an exemplar for London
  • Make London Bridge the premier location for responsible businesses and ethically conscious employees

Of course, we still have a long way to go to emerge from the chaos caused by the pandemic, but many are seeing BIDs as a key mechanism for local areas to respond and build robust plans to adjust to the continually changing economic environment. With the help of members and partners, Team London Bridge is confident that their sustainable, socially responsible project delivery will galvanise the area over coming months and provide a catalyst for businesses to return to central London with enthusiasm and confidence.