2022 Events
14th December 2021 / Posted by CRP TeamFollowing the success of the Lunchtime Launch series, we are pleased to launch our new event series for 2022: CRP’s Connect 4 Series!
Thank you to everyone who attended our Lunchtime Launch sessions. From January to November, we’ve hosted 11 online sessions, with 990 attendees and a total of 1,110 YouTube views. We’ve had 21 external speakers, all experts in their fields, present on topics from air quality, sustainable shipping and monitoring on our high streets. And there’s still time to sign up to our final session!
2022’s events will take place on the last Thursday of each month, 4pm – 4:45pm. This new series will bring you exciting topics, with an opportunity for networking and discussion.
The panel for our first session, taking place online, includes expert speakers from Better Bankside, Delivering London and DSDHA/David Bonnett Associates. CRP will be launching Central London Sub-Regional Transport Partnership Highways and Footways Guidance.
The first Connect 4 session is taking place on Thursday 27th January 4pm – 4:45pm. Sign up here.