Zero Emission Deliveries to Clean Up Brixton’s Air

21st February 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP is working with London Borough of Lambeth and Brixton BID to offer local businesses the opportunity to join an innovative trial to reduce pollution in Brixton, through the Clean Air Villages 4 project.

We are setting up a micro-consolidation hub within a 30 minute cycle from Brixton. This micro-consolidation will act as a final step in the logistics process, receiving deliveries from many different couriers and suppliers, before being delivered in the last-mile on electric cargo bike, instead of polluting vehicles.

As we’re all receiving more deliveries, we’re seeing more vans on our roads, more congestion and more harmful pollution. Our project provides zero-cost, zero-hassle, and zero-emission delivery options for local businesses.

If you are a business in Brixton and you would like to participate, please email CRP Project Officer Jack Alexander.

CRP Board Meeting

21st February 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP’s Board meets twice yearly, and the next meeting is at taking place on Tuesday 1st March 2022.

CRP Board meetings are attended by senior representatives of CRP’s 32 partner organisations from the public, private and voluntary sectors. The meeting will be held virtually and co-chaired by Simon Pitkeathley, CEO, Camden Town Unlimited and Euston Town BIDs, and Councillor Keith Bottomley, Vice Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee Chairman, Port Health and Environmental Services Committee, City of London Corporation.

As well as signing off CRP’s Annual Report and Business Plan, the Board meeting provides the opportunity for partners to receive an update on projects delivered as well as receive more details on upcoming projects and programmes for the year ahead.

For more information, please contact CRP Operations Manager Carol Quamina.

International Day of Action for Rivers

21st February 2022 / Posted by Sefinat Otaru

Monday 14th March is the International Day of Action for Rivers. Communities worldwide gather to protect and celebrate rivers by holding river clean-ups, walks, educational talks, etc.

The Thames is culturally, commercially and environmentally significant. There are ongoing projects to protect these aspects of the river, including CRP’s Clean Air Thames project. The project is now winding down after three years. Clean Air Thames aims to explore less expensive retrofitting options for greening vessels on the Thames. Working with GPS Marine Contractors and the Port of London Authority, we look forward to seeing how effectively the retrofits have reduced emissions.

Helping river operators navigate greening their vessels, thereby improving the air quality along with the river, is what the International Day of Action for Rivers is about: making rivers a pleasant place to live, work and play.

LGBTQ+ History Month

21st February 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

February is LGBT+ History Month, an annual celebration of lesbian, gay, bi, trans and non-binary history. It aims to raise awareness of matters concerning the community and fight prejudice against it. This year’s theme is Politics in Art.

CRP’s accountable body Westminster City Council has many engaging events lined up throughout the month – we invite you to join any of them! You can find more activities online and across the country on the LGBT+ History Month calendar.

Mural Workshops at Cayley Primary School

21st February 2022 / Posted by Fiona Coull

Students at Cayley Primary SchoolLondon Borough of Tower Hamlets, are getting creative! As part of Healthy Streets EverydayCRP have commissioned a local artist to co-create murals with students.

The artist led students in workshops to highlight the joys of walking, scooting or cycling to school. Students were encouraged to open their eyes to the plants and wildlife they found along their route and draw what they found.

These artworks will be incorporated into the mural which will be painted later in the spring. CRP will be running similar workshops at William Tyndale Primary School, London Borough of Islington, and Middle Park Primary School, Royal Borough of Greenwich.

For further information, please contact CRP Project Manager Fiona Coull.

New Healthy Streets Everyday Case Studies

21st February 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

Take a look at the two new Healthy Streets Everyday case studies! The first highlights the success of the Kings Road Christmas Lights Closure, whilst the second discusses the benefits of social media campaigns.

Kings Road Christmas Lights Switch On 

The HSE Programme helped to fund a Kings Road Christmas Lights Switch On Event in partnership with Cadogan. As part of the event, a 200m section of Kings Road was closed to allow people to congregate for the switch on and to watch the fireworks. The closure also helped to accommodate a Christmas Market with 60 stalls, as well as performances by dancers and acrobats for families to enjoy. The event was a great success and attracted 75,000 visitors to the estate. Initial data indicated that there were good air quality improvements as a result of the road closure:

  • NO2 was reduced by 1%,
  • NO was reduced by 16%
  • NOx reduced by 9%.

You can read the whole thing here!

Social Media Campaigns 

Social media is a great tool to engage with the public around air pollution, and it can also be used to support important events and campaigns. As part of the HSE Programmes 2021 Car Free Day celebrations, Cross River Partnership ran a “countdown to Car Free Day” social media campaign. The campaign involved sharing facts related to Car Free Day and highlighting the different schemes the programme has delivered to help improve air quality. The campaign also involved a “School Mural Competition” where school pupils across London were encouraged to design a Car Free Day mural. We received 159 entries and three winners were then chosen at random for their design to be created as a mural at their respective schools.

Find out more here!

For further information, please contact CRP Project Manager Fiona Coull.

Barnet Businesses Invited to Use FREE Dongles

21st February 2022 / Posted by Isidora Rivera Vollmer

Cross River Partnership (CRP) and the London Borough of Barnet are providing businesses with a FREE opportunity to monitor and assess their fleet for electric vehicle (EV) suitability.

As part of Clean Air Villages 4 (CAV4), CRP is collaborating with Geotab to provide businesses with telematic devices, to carry out a free EV suitability assessment. This is a personalised report highlighting whether switching to an EV is a suitable option for your business.

If you are interested in understanding more, please complete our short survey or email CRP stating your interest. We will then send you a free telematic dongle to use for three months to monitor vehicle speed, distance, daily mileage, time and parking locations. This data will provide a unique insight into your delivery vehicle needs, helping to identify whether your business would benefit from purchasing an EV, or from using a shared EV option.

Following the monitoring, you will be provided with your own personalised EV suitability assessment report. This is a personalised report highlighting whether your business can switch to an EV and assisting you with the first steps of your EV procurement process.

For more information, please contact CRP Project Officer Isidora Rivera Vollmer.

Clean Air Villages 4 Steering Group Meeting

21st February 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

For the third Clean Air Villages 4 (CAV4) quarterly steering group meeting, we were joined by 26 project partners, Defra and Beckett Rankine. CAV4 is funded by Defra’s Air Quality Grant, and we loved having them with us to meet the partners and to hear about how we run the project. Their input has been valuable in helping steer an idea for a freight-related website that the CRP team is plotting.

Beckett Rankine presented the findings of the Pier Adaption study for light freight on the Thames that we have commissioned, of which there was a great deal of interest from the CAV4 partners. This report will be published any day now – keep a look out for it! 

The CRP team also gave updates on the five Freight Solutions (Consolidation, Distribution, Mode, Technology and Policy), which all have a multitude of interventions taking place, from a last mile logistics trial to consolidation schemes to cargo bike initiatives. We were able to share our latest case study about EV fleets too.

CAV4 will conclude in June 2022 and the team are working hard to deliver the remaining project outputs.

For further information, please contact CRP Project Manager Kate Fenton.

CRP’s Next Online Event

21st February 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

Join Cross River Partnership for the second session of CRP’s Connect 4 Series, Thursday 24th February 2022, 4pm – 4:45pm.

Register here!

COVID-19 has sparked a reimagining of places and spaces across the world, and this session will explore the urban response to the pandemic. This interactive session will feature presentations from expert speakers on the pandemic and cities. CRP Sustainable Transport Manager Ross Phillips will be launching the Healthy Streets Everyday ‘Global Streetscape Responses to COVID-19’ guidance document. This explores the responses of seven cities around the world and the streetscape transformation schemes implemented, examining challenges, funding, outcomes and future strategies.

Gordon Innes, Bloomberg Associates, will be presenting on the impact of tourism on the function and fabric of cities and urban areas globally. Also speaking will be Ojay McDonald, Chief Executive, Association of Town and City Management, who will be presenting on the pandemic from a High Street perspective, including the challenges faced during the past couple of years and adaptations made by businesses across the UK.

For more information, please contact CRP Communications Project Manager Rachael Aldridge.

CRP’s Exciting Events!

26th January 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

Firstly, we would like to say a big thank you to everyone who attended our Lunchtime Launch series of events in 2021. Cross River Partnership, with 21 external speakers,
brought 1,875 people together, 553% more than our 2020 events! 336 loyal attendees came to at least two events last year, and we had 829 brand-new attendees discovering our online sessions.

And we want to make 2022 even better! So we’re launching CRP’s Connect 4 Series.
This will bring you exciting topics at 4pm on the last Thursday of each month.

You can sign up to our first event of 2022 here.

Taking place at 4pm, Thursday 27th January, CRP’s Connect 4 Series: Session 1 will look at green deliveries in cities and accessible streets. We’ll be joined by DSDHADelivering London and Better BanksideCRP, with DSDHA, will be launching brand new guidance, Highways and Footways Accessibility Guidelines, will outline recommendations to make fully accessible streets. Delivering London will also be presenting on their latest initiative, which is all about reducing emissions and congestion through consolidation of parcel deliveries, supporting healthy high streets. Better Bankside will also be presenting on the Green Logistics Centre, which aims to turn weekly deliveries into monthly ones.

We are excited to see where this year takes us and can’t wait to have you along for another year!

Register here