Data and Analysis Monitoring Services

24th January 2023 / Posted by Ross Phillips

Are you in need of traffic data to support your decision-making in the public realm?

CRP’s data analysis and monitoring services can support landowners, BIDs and local authorities with an accurate and clear understanding of the movements of pedestrians, cyclists and motor vehicles to support you with public realm, transport and environmental decisions in your area.

CRP provides:

  • A rigorous data cleansing process
  • Expert written analysis that explores factors such as local, city or national events, weather trends and other factors that may lead to changes in data
  • Attractive, accessible, readable and easy to understand reports
  • Clear emissions calculations estimates that are based on real-life data attributing to different motor vehicles, using CRP’s emissions calculator

Want to know more about your local area? Email CRP Sustainable Transport Manager Ross Philips to find out how we can support your evidence-based decision-making.

Green and Resilient Funding Opportunity

24th January 2023 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

A Green and Resilient funding opportunity has been made available by the Mayor of London, under 3 related programmes, each with separate application forms:

  1. Project Grants of between £250,000 and £750,000.
  1. Tree Planting Grants of between £75,000 and £500,000.
  1. Development Grants of up to £40,000.

Further information is available on the GLA’s website.

This is an exciting opportunity, and the funding could be used to support several initiatives such as:

  •  Greening several of the now permanent School Streets to make them more pleasant
  • Support schools where school streets have not been possible by adding more green infrastructure, such as ivy walls
  • Enable the creation of more pocket parks and parklets (this could also link in with the above bullet)
  • Supplement other air quality / placemaking initiatives such as those associated with mobility hubs or micro logistics
  • Provide greening for new public realm schemes that are currently being implemented

CRP is available to support its partners with any of their applications, including threading them together into collaborative and more strategic programmes in a similar way to the historic Healthy Streets Everyday and Greening the BIDs CRP programmes.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to email CRP Programme Manager Fiona Coull or CRP Director Susannah Wilks

Clean Air Logistics for London reaches halfway mark

24th January 2023 / Posted by Fiona Coull

The start of the year marks the halfway point for CRP’s year-long Defra funded Clean Air Logistics for London Programme (CALL).

The CRP team have been busy working with our project partners to develop several exciting and innovative initiatives, such as river freight trials, micro logistic hub solutions, vessel retrofits, pier adaptions, walking freight trials and more!

The next half of the programme will focus on delivering these initiatives by installing the necessary infrastructure required, carrying out trials, monitoring impacts and sharing any outcome and learnings. For example, we have already started construction of the Chelsea Harbour Sustainable Deliveries Hub in the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham with the two cargo bike stands being installed last week.

We are also finalising our second Steering Group Meeting of the programme which will be hosted by Cory Group. As part of the meeting, CRP partners will be able to witness how Cory Group transports non-recyclable waste on barges up the Thames, helping to reduce around 100,000 truck movements a year, making London safer and less polluted.

We can’t wait to see it all in action!

If you want to find out more about CRP’s CALL Programme, please contact CRP Programme Manager Fiona Coull

Cross River Partnership looks to 2023

24th January 2023 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

The newly-expanded CRP team is looking ahead at 2023 with optimism and hope!

In the face of terrible circumstances globally on environmental, political and economic fronts, it is more important than ever that human beings continue to collaborate to solve some of the challenges that we face.

CRP is very pleased to be supporting the Mayor of London with his new Green and Resilient Fund, which will make an important contribution to reducing the urban heat island effect, cleaning up London’s air, encouraging bio-diversity and offering Sustainable Urban Drainage.

CRP’s Clean Air Logistics for London (CALL) programme continues to remove polluting vehicles from roads and replace them with zero emission cargo bikes, plus increased freight routes along the River Thames.

CRP is offering extra consultancy-based services to a number of its BID partners, including detailed Data Analysis reports supporting new urban futures, and tailored mapping projects directing audiences to make active travel choices and to explore London’s hidden gems.

If you have any exciting ideas for further collaborations, please contact CRP Director Susannah Wilks

8th International Day of Women & Girls in Science

23rd January 2023 / Posted by Sefinat Otaru

Gender equality is necessary for sustainable development. Yet, less than a third of researchers are women. International Day Women & Girls in Science (IDWGIS) is taking place on 11th February 2023 and aims to promote equal access and participation of females in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) fields.  It was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly eight years ago and implemented by UNESCO and UN Women. 

This year, IDWGIS will focus on several Sustainable Development Goals – SDG 6 (clean water and sanitation), SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy), SDG 9 (industry, innovation, and infrastructure), SDG 11 (sustainable cities and communities) and SDG17 (means of implementation) – while following up on discussions on water held last year. The aim is to connect the International Community to Women and Girls in Science, strengthening the ties between science, policy, and society. 

Visit Women in Science Day to learn more and register to get involved. 

Croydon – London Borough of Culture 2023

23rd January 2023 / Posted by CRP Team

Croydon will be the London Borough of Culture for 2023. The programme of planned events can be found on This is Croydon website. 

Launched by the Mayor of London in 2017, the London Borough of Culture award promotes culture and diversity of London’s boroughs by making culture accessible to everyone. Do keep an eye out for upcoming events which will include international headliners, as well as events featuring Croydon’s local talent and local cultural community activities. Don’t miss out, sign up to the mailing list here. 

Sustainable New Years Resolution

23rd January 2023 / Posted by Isidora Rivera Vollmer

Why not commit to a new year’s resolution by joining the cargo bike revolution?

If you are based in Brixton, you can still sign up for our Clean Air Freight project.

This means you can get:

  • deliveries sent off-site to our storage space
  • deliveries FOR FREE at a time that’s convenient for you by friendly cargo bike couriers Pedal Me
  • bulk-buying discounts so it fills up our storage space!
  • cleaner air in Brixton

Sign up for our project by emailing CRP Senior Project Officer Isidora at or calling on 07929 868 879.

Join us tomorrow for CRP Conversations

23rd January 2023 / Posted by CRP Team

Join us for CRP’s next event, CRP Conversations: Property Stewardship on the High Street, delivered in collaboration with Property X-Change 

This Conversation will explore how different types of organisations can promote proactive management and stewardship of high street property to create more resilient and dynamic places. 

Expert place makers Gianluca Rizzo (Brixton BID) and Stephanie Edwards (Urban Symbiotics) will be presenting on their experiences working in high streets, both in Brixton and engaging communities. They will be sharing examples of positive place management in such dynamic areas of London.  

Rachael Aldridge (CRP) will be recapping lessons learned about place stewardship from CRP’s Town Centre Futures report by Centre for London and its 10 case studies. These insights span transport, economic, environmental and community aspects of Town Centres. 

There’s still time to register to attend!

Sustainable City Charter

12th December 2022 / Posted by CRP Team

On 15 November, Westminster City Council and the Westminster Property Association officially launched the Sustainable City Charter. Small and medium business participants in the Sustainable City Charter can apply to get a year’s free license for Climate Essentials, a digital platform that enables businesses to track their carbon emissions. They will also get one on one support from the Climate Essentials team to create a carbon reduction plan, helping them reducing emissions and energy costs and meet their Charter commitments.
Find out more and apply here.