Join us for the next CRP Conversations event

21st February 2023 / Posted by CRP Team

Join us for Cross River Partnership’s next event, CRP Conversations – Empowering City Sustainability. This online Conversation will explore how businesses can reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, tackling climate change and enabling better business.

Kieran Taylor (Project Centre), Grace Corn and Isobel Caton Harrison (both Westminster City Council) and Kate Neale (Cadogan) will be presenting on carbon reducing initiatives across the city.

  • Project Centre will be presenting on their EV work, including moving away from a ‘predict and provide’ approach towards more direct resident engagement in the shaping of local EV charging infrastructure.
  • Colleagues from the Council’s Climate Emergency Team will be spreading the word about the Sustainable City Charter in hope to encourage Westminster based businesses to sign up and other attendees to support with its promotion.
  • Kate Neale, Cadogan, will be presenting on Cadogan’s Stewardship and goalsetting for sustainability in Chelsea.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Cross River Partnership’s Clean Air Tool

20th February 2023 / Posted by Katherine Fairfax

Thinking to switch from a diesel van to a cleaner mode of transport? 

Calculate your emissions savings today with Cross River Partnership’s Clean Air Tool. The online tool aims to help users better understand the impact of switching from a diesel van to a cleaner mode of transport by calculating and visualising their emission savings. 

All you need to tell us is how far you travel each week and the transport mode you plan to switch to. Our Tool calculates the estimated reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM) emissions and visualises your savings through various scenarios.   

To find out how changing the way you travel can benefit the world around you, visit our website.  

Urban Logistics Hubs in London

20th February 2023 / Posted by Katherine Fairfax

Looking for potential urban logistics hub sites?  

CRP has developed an online tool that allows those with empty commercial space to advertise to courier firms who could make use of the space as an urban logistics hub.  

A logistics hub is a site that couriers use for their day-to-day deliveries as a place to sort and store goods before they are picked up and delivered. Logistic hubs allow for unused space to be utilised whilst also helping to improve London’s air quality and traffic congestion. Last mile delivery via sustainable low emissions transport improves air quality and increases the efficiency of moving goods through London’s busy streets.  

Visit our Urban Logistics Hubs in London tool or contact Sustainable Transport Manager Ross Phillips for further information.  

London at Night Conference

20th February 2023 / Posted by Sefinat Otaru

On 19 January 2023, CRP attended the GLA’s first London at Night Conference held at Woolwich Works.  The daylong event was opened by Night Czar Amy Lamé and featured engaging, informative panel discussions with participants from organisations such as the Museum of London, The Brick Box, Hibiscus Community Centre, London boroughs, and many more.  

The discussions covered topics from the night-time economy and equity for night-time workers and communities to placemaking and changing perceptions about London at night.   

CRP was pleased to see these discussions taking place and interact with other attendees as we work to revive high streets, improve lighting across the city, and improve equity in transport. 

You can see a snapshot of the event here, or contact CRP Project Manager Sefinat Otaru for more information. 

International Women’s Day – 8th March 2023

20th February 2023 / Posted by CRP Team

This year we will be celebrating International Women’s Day on 8th March.    

 This year’s theme is #EmbraceEquity with a specific focus on gender equity.  A great way for organisations and groups to provide support and celebrate International Women’s Day is by raising awareness amongst colleagues, organisations, and networks about the differences between equality and equity to make truly inclusive environments. 

There are many events taking place worldwide.  Check out the #IWD Speaker Directory to get an idea of the plethora of events being held with inspiring women speakers who are experts in their field. 

£200m Active Travel Funding to Help Local Authorities

20th February 2023 / Posted by Isidora Rivera Vollmer

The Department for Transport and Active Travel England have recently invited local authorities in England to apply for funding to make improvements to local active travel schemes. 

These should help residents save money and stay healthy.  

Schemes could include: 

  • creating more paths in rural areas 
  • developing safer routes for children to walk to school 
  • improved safety at junctions for people walking and cycling 

The funding will also be used to support people in wheelchairs and mobility scooters by making street designs more inclusive. 

ATF4 funding is only provided to local transport authorities outside London, eligible authorities have been sent information on how to apply. Active travel funding for authorities in London is provided through Transport for London.

You can find the official announcement (dated 6th February) and learn more about this £200m government fund here. 

First CRP Away Day of 2023! 

24th January 2023 / Posted by Isidora Rivera Vollmer

New Year, new team members, new bonding opportunities!

The CRP team is looking forward to the first Away Day of 2023 on 26th January at Brockwell Park Community Greenhouse. The day will consist of team activities, reviewing CRP’s mission and vision, as well as working on CRP’s new Annual Report and Business Plan.

We can’t wait to share our outcomes soon!

CRP New Starters

24th January 2023 / Posted by Katherine Fairfax

We would like to welcome three new starters to the Cross River Partnership team!

Katherine Fairfax joins us as Project Officer and will be supporting the DEFRA-funded Clean Air Logistics for London (CALL) and promoting the work of CRP across our communications channels and external events. Katherine was previously working for Cycling UK and has recently completed her MA in Urban and Regional Planning at the University of Westminster, with a focus on the role of street design for creating healthy and liveable cities.

We would also like to welcome Aiman Hasan Khan (MSc. in Environment, Politics, and Development) and Ben Wall (MSc. in Sustainable Cities) who join us from King’s College London on a project-based internship to support the delivery of CALL.

On working for CRP, Aiman said: “What has been particularly attractive about CRP is that it’s a small organisation delivering big change! It is amazing to witness how CRP has been championing cross-sectoral collaborations, designing innovative new solutions and implementing the same. At a time when climate action is becoming ever so important, CRP is one of the few organisations that deliver on their promise of ensuring a cleaner and greener London.”

On working for CRP, Ben said: “I’m very excited to be joining the team and learning about all the important work going on. I’m joining on an internship as part of my master’s degree in Sustainable Cities at King’s College. It will be fascinating to see how some of the ideas I’m learning about are translated into real world projects across London. I look forward to getting involved!”

Data and Analysis Monitoring Services

24th January 2023 / Posted by Ross Phillips

Are you in need of traffic data to support your decision-making in the public realm?

CRP’s data analysis and monitoring services can support landowners, BIDs and local authorities with an accurate and clear understanding of the movements of pedestrians, cyclists and motor vehicles to support you with public realm, transport and environmental decisions in your area.

CRP provides:

  • A rigorous data cleansing process
  • Expert written analysis that explores factors such as local, city or national events, weather trends and other factors that may lead to changes in data
  • Attractive, accessible, readable and easy to understand reports
  • Clear emissions calculations estimates that are based on real-life data attributing to different motor vehicles, using CRP’s emissions calculator

Want to know more about your local area? Email CRP Sustainable Transport Manager Ross Philips to find out how we can support your evidence-based decision-making.

Green and Resilient Funding Opportunity

24th January 2023 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

A Green and Resilient funding opportunity has been made available by the Mayor of London, under 3 related programmes, each with separate application forms:

  1. Project Grants of between £250,000 and £750,000.
  1. Tree Planting Grants of between £75,000 and £500,000.
  1. Development Grants of up to £40,000.

Further information is available on the GLA’s website.

This is an exciting opportunity, and the funding could be used to support several initiatives such as:

  •  Greening several of the now permanent School Streets to make them more pleasant
  • Support schools where school streets have not been possible by adding more green infrastructure, such as ivy walls
  • Enable the creation of more pocket parks and parklets (this could also link in with the above bullet)
  • Supplement other air quality / placemaking initiatives such as those associated with mobility hubs or micro logistics
  • Provide greening for new public realm schemes that are currently being implemented

CRP is available to support its partners with any of their applications, including threading them together into collaborative and more strategic programmes in a similar way to the historic Healthy Streets Everyday and Greening the BIDs CRP programmes.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to email CRP Programme Manager Fiona Coull or CRP Director Susannah Wilks