CRP’s Collaborative Bid to the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund

29th January 2024 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

CRP has submitted a collaborative application – Healthy Streets Everyday II – to the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund Round 4 (MAQF4).  If successful, the application will build on the success of MAQF3-funded programme Healthy Streets Everyday, led by Cross River Partnership (CRP). 

CRP’s Healthy Streets Everyday II application was supported by 14 partner organisations, including 6 Local Authorities, 6 Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) and 2 strategic agencies.  The bid was led by Westminster City Council, CRP’s accountable body. 

CRP bid for £999,992 MAQF, bringing £1,590,659 in match funding to the application. 

Healthy Streets Everyday II (HSEII) will address the issue of over-dependence on private vehicles, and the associated issues of poor Air Quality, Environment, Safety, Health, and Wellbeing.  HSEII will realise a range of associated opportunities, including increased: 

  • Active travel 
  • Walking routes 
  • Permanent school streets 
  • Low emission transport infrastructure 
  • Green space / planting / rain gardens 

Evidence shows that transport emissions account for 25% of London’s overall emissions and is one of the largest contributors to London’s poor Air Quality. All of the Healthy Streets Everyday II interventions have been designed to tackle this, delivering multiple benefits simultaneously. 

Healthy Streets Everyday II will address poor Air Quality in partnership by: 

S Supporting safer spaces  

T Transforming travel behaviour  

R Reducing emissions and exposure  

E Engaging with communities  

E Embracing technological advances  

T Targeting green infrastructure  

S Sustaining best monitoring practice  

Results will be announced in March 2024! 

For further information, please contact CRP Director Susannah Wilks