CRP’s Next Lunchtime Launch

24th May 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

CRP is delighted to invite you to the next Lunchtime Launch in the series, which will be all about the upcoming Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) expansion by the Mayor of London.

We will be joined by expert speakers Taryn Ferguson and Stephen Inch, Greater London Authority, who will be answering questions about the ULEZ with useful information for authorities, businesses and residents alike.

CRP’s Kate Fenton will also be launching our new Clean Air Tool, which has been developed as part of the Defra-funded Clean Air Villages programme. The Clean Air Tool is an innovative calculator, developed using methodologies in collaboration with researchers at Imperial College London. The tool will give diesel vehicle drivers the chance to not only calculate their emissions (CO2, NOx and PM2.5), but also clearly see examples of how switching to an electric vehicle, bike, and walking can equate to positive impacts on human health, the environment, and the economy.

Sign up to ‘The ULEZ Expansion: Your options for a cleaner, cheaper, greener London’, taking place at 13:15 – 14:00, Thursday 24th June.

This Lunchtime Launch marks the half way point of our monthly programme of Lunchtime Launches for 2021. Since January 2021, CRP’s Lunchtime Launches have attracted 536 attendees collectively!

Our previous Lunchtime Launch, which attracted 121 attendees, covered Spatial Mapping for Sustainable Urban Logistics, with CRP’s Laura Jacklin and University of Westminster‘s Dr Rachel Aldred. Please see the slides from the session, the Q&A sheet and recording.

For further information about Lunchtime Launches please contact CRP’s Rachael Aldridge or Susannah Wilks. We’re always looking out for speakers and to hear which topics audiences would find most useful!

Westminster Unit Business Survey

11th May 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Westminster City Council (WCC) have launched the third wave of their business survey.

In wave 2 of the pandemic, WCC asked respondents what the Council could lobby for. One in three identified the need for initiatives to help bring customers back to the City safely. In response, the Council launched the successful Sightsee Crowd Free campaign to encourage visitors to experience Westminster like never before, which increased footfall by 38%.

Please do take part in the survey, which takes less than 10 minutes to complete!

Open Innovation Challenge

11th May 2021 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

An Open Call for Designing London’s Recovery – the Mayor’s latest open innovation challenge, was recently launched on 16th March 2021 and will remain open until midday (12:00 GMT) 30th June 2021. You can find out further information by contacting the GLA’s lead on technology and innovation Sandy Tung.

CRP has already been briefed about the opportunity. If any organisations or individuals would like to collaborate on any potential submission/s, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with CRP Project Manger Sefinat Otaru or CRP Director Susannah Wilks.

CRP’s Staff Spotlight On: Sefinat Otaru

11th May 2021 / Posted by Sefinat Otaru

This week we are featuring CRP Project Manager Sefinat Otaru.

My role at CRP as a Project Manager is dynamic. I’ve worked on projects ranging from researching socioeconomic issues for local authorities to developing a 10-year stewardship strategy for a prominent London landowner. Currently, I’m developing technical solutions for the Clean Air Villages 4 project, coordinating operators on the Thames to clean up their vessels’ exhaust, and leading on communications for a smart-charging project with UPS.

I appreciate the challenges each day brings as I’m pushed to find creative solutions with the CRP Team and our partners. It’s also gratifying to be able to walk around the city see those solutions in action!

Happy Two Year Anniversary to the CRP Clean Air Villages Directory!

11th May 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

The CRP Clean Air Villages Directory launched on 20th May 2019, encouraging customers to consider the vehicle type used when ordering goods for delivery. When given a choice, it would be better for items to be delivered by, for example, bike or electric vehicle, compared with a diesel vehicle. CRP also wanted to promote businesses and suppliers who used such modes of transport.

Check it out for yourself: there’s everything from bread, champagne and cheese to stationery and cargo bike providers!

The website lists businesses providing their services using fully-electric, ultra-low emission vehicles, cargo bikes or by foot. The directory also lists suppliers who manufacture or lease ultra-low and zero emission vehicles. The distance from vehicle dispatch point to village centre is highlighted to support local businesses and reduce congestion. Partners of the recently launched Clean Air Villages 4 programme will all receive a tailored, local site of their own.

For further information, please contact CRP Project Manager Kate Fenton.

Walking to School Week

11th May 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

Walking to School Week is taking place 17th – 21st May!

Living Streets’ five-day walking challenge is an annual celebration of the walk to school. This year’s theme is ‘Walking Superpowers’, focusing on benefits of walking for individuals, communities and the planet. Walking increases concentration and creativity, in addition to creating safer, less polluted and more welcoming streets. Each pupil is challenged to travel sustainably (walk, scoot, cycle or Park and Stride) to school every day for one week.

The week supports pupils with special educational needs and disabilities to enjoy walking, including travel by wheelchair or mobility scooter. Encouraging parents to park even a little way from the school reduces congestion and air pollution at the school gates and improves road safety.

CRP’s Clean Air Route Finder is the perfect tool to plot a cleaner, greener route to and from school, helping you to avoid polluted main roads and discover quieter back streets free from congested traffic.

School Streets are a beneficial temporary intervention to support cleaner air around school premises and encourage more active travel. As part of CRP’s Healthy Streets Everyday project, we delivered the Hackney School Streets Hotline, a free telephone service aimed at helping partners and London boroughs to design and implement more successful School Streets.

Putting pedestrians first is a key focus of delivering Healthy Streets for all to enjoy. Watch our webinar, ‘Pedestrian Priority Streets: Benefits for Schools, Businesses and Your Health’, in collaboration with Westminster City Council and Global Action Plan. Our handy Pedestrian Priority Toolkit accompanying the event has lots of useful resources, guidance and links to external support.

Mental Health Awareness Week

11th May 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week, with this year’s theme being Nature.

There are times in all our lives when things can feel too much. Nature is something so simple that can support good mental health. More than half of UK adults say that being close to nature improved their mental health and almost two thirds of people said that being close to nature meant they experience positive emotions. Nature can help to put things in perspective and bring calm to our lives.

Get off the beaten track and discover nature in London with CRP’s Clean Air Route Finder for quiet, clean air routes which reduce your exposure to air pollution!

International Day of Light

11th May 2021 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

Photo Credit: The Illuminated River Foundation

This year’s International Day of Light is on 16th May 2021. This global initiative focuses on the continued appreciation of light and the role it plays in science, culture and art, education, and sustainable development, as well as in fields as diverse as medicine, communications and energy.

CRP has long-advocated the role that light can play in London, stretching back to its Light at the End of the Tunnel project that used artistic lighting interventions to make the railway viaduct and its arches and tunnels much less of an economic, community and physical barrier across the London South Central area.

More recently, CRP was one of the funding partners supporting Centre for London’s Seeing Clearly: A Lighting Vision for London report, which aims to inspire collaborative action by Local Authorities, communities, landowners, Business Improvement Districts and others to maximise the positive benefits to be accrued from sensitively-delivered lighting schemes.

The most recent and impressive light art scheme to land in London is The Illuminated River. This free and permanent installation has now been completed for 9 of the central London bridges over the River Thames. This includes the Golden Jubilee footbridges that CRP originally delivered using Single Regeneration Budget money with its partners City of WestminsterLondon Borough of Lambeth and others.

Huge congratulations to Sarah Gaventa and her team on The Illuminated River project!

Future City Report

11th May 2021 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

The City of London Corporation has released ‘The Square Mile: Future City’ report, produced by the City Corporation’s Recovery Taskforce in partnership with Oliver Wyman, which sets out a vision for the next five years with detailed actions to enhance the City’s competitiveness and attractiveness.

The Recovery Taskforce’s mission is to ensure the Square Mile is the world’s most innovative, inclusive and sustainable business ecosystem as well as an attractive place to work, live, learn and visit.

The report focuses on three key dimensions of the City’s offer:

  • Fostering an innovative ecosystem for businesses and talent.
  • Ensuring a vibrant offer that engages workers, visitors, learners and residents.
  • Delivering outstanding environments that support people and businesses with sustainable buildings, high quality streets and public spaces.

Policy Chair at the City of London Corporation, Catherine McGuinness, said: “We have been listening to businesses of all sizes in the City to understand how the pandemic has affected their ways of working and their needs going forward. Firms have told us that they remain committed to retaining a central London hub but how they operate will inevitably change to reflect post-pandemic trends, such as hybrid and flexible working.

“The Square Mile must evolve in order to provide an ecosystem that remains attractive to workers, visitors, learners and residents. This will involve encouraging growth, fostering talent from all backgrounds, providing a vibrant leisure offer and offering outstanding environments.

“Inclusion, innovation and sustainability should be at the core of the future City. We remain confident that the Square Mile will return to its usual buzz and vibrancy by building on these pillars.”

The report commits the City Corporation to a number of activities to deliver this vision, including: 

World class business ecosystem 

  • Working with private sector partners to provide workspace, advice, digital skills, access to networks and capital. The City Corporation will curate an ecosystem of high-potential tech-led businesses. It will introduce them to City networks that can help them establish and grow. We will work with technology sectors not traditionally located in the Square Mile to help them access this ecosystem.  
  • Ensuring the City is a global testbed for data-driven technologies. The City will also facilitate data-sharing that can be used by data-driven businesses to test solutions. The data-sharing pilot for the London Data Commission (now Data for London) is one such example.  
  • A newly rebranded Small Business Research and Enterprise Centre – replacing the existing City Business Library – openedits doors to start-ups and SMEs on 10 May. It will support the creation and growth of sustainable businesses in the City, London and the UK by providing access to essential data and advice. 

  Vibrant offer 

  • Enabling the City’s cultural and creative industries. This may include low-cost, long-term lets for creatives in empty and low-use spaces.  
  • Exploring opportunities to enable and animate the City’s weekend and night-time offer. Bold programming of major events may include traffic-free Saturdays or Sundays in summer, or an all-night cultural celebration.  
  • A five-year marketing campaign will promote the City as an inclusive, exciting place to be. A programme of weekday events will also support physical and mental wellbeing among the City’s workforce and promote diversity and belonging. 

  Outstanding environments 

  • Working with the property industry to enable and promote sustainable, flexible and adaptable buildings. The City Corporation will explore new ways to use vacant space and aim for at least 1,500 new residential units by 2030. 
  • Working with providers and operators to future-proof the City’s communications, energy and transport infrastructure. A pilot with Cornerstone, the UK’s leading mobile infrastructure services provider, will be held along Queen Victoria Street to demonstrate that mobile infrastructure can support the requirements of the four licensed mobile network operators. Cornerstone is the exclusive partner to the City of London Corporation for the deployment of small cell and rooftop infrastructure. If successful, there will be a City-wide deployment that will deliver 5G coverage across the Square Mile by the end of 2022. Support will also be given to develop renewable energy, heat networks and smart grid infrastructure to enable the transition to net zero.  
  • Collaborating with public, private and academic partners to enhance data collection and analysis and to pilot and scale innovative solutions. This will include sharing data and knowledge of working patterns, travel behaviours and the use of streets and public spaces.  
  • Providing new and improved public spaces that include opportunities for culture and exercise. Accelerate plans to improve the experience of walking, cycling and spending time on the City’s streets.  

Lord Mayor of the City of London, William Russell, said: “Hope is now on the horizon as our economy starts to reopen bringing a semblance of normality to life in the City“This report sets out how we can leverage this momentum and build back better. The Square Mile’s future is bright and we will rise to the challenge of adapting to the new normal that emerges after the pandemic.”   

Managing Partner at Oliver Wyman Forum, John Romeo, said: “London wouldn’t be London without its people, diversity and openness. The economic and social trends that have accelerated during the pandemic must be met and nurtured in order to see our city and its people thrive, and the Square Mile must be proactive in its response to shape the future and drive the change we want: more innovative, more sustainable and more inclusive. 

“As we emerge out of lockdown and see the economy rebooted, our priority actions will ensure that the City is prepared to meet people’s new way of living and working. By maintaining a world-leading role in fostering talent and innovation, London will in turn be able to help other UK cities and regions bring in wealth and talent in their own rights, by using its position to innovate, test, and disseminate new ideas and approaches.” 

Planning and Transportation Chair at the City of London Corporation, Alastair Moss, added: “There is no denying that the Covid-19 pandemic has changed some ways of working and accelerated some positive trends that were evident already in urban centres such as the City of London.  

“The City will continue to adapt and prove resilient due to our robust fundamentals. We will work even more closely with the property sector to promote increasingly sustainable, flexible and adaptable buildings that people will thrive in. It will also be essential to continue to future-proof our supporting infrastructure, create more amazing public spaces and accelerate plans to make our streets more accessible. 

“Investors and developers continue to be confident in the future of the City office market and our planning pipeline is extremely busy. This is in anticipation of the take up of work-space stock as more people return to the Square Mile as the pre-eminent place for business in a world-class environment.” 

The City Corporation recently launched a new Covid Business Recovery Fund of up to £50 million to support Square Mile SMEs. 

Local Business Week 2021

11th May 2021 / Posted by CRP Team

This week is Local Business Week – a time to celebrate the backbone of the UK economy and support the diversity of local businesses up and down the country.

With the relaxing of social distancing restrictions and re-opening of businesses, now more than ever our local communities need our support to build back better to survive and thrive in the months ahead. CRP has delivered innovative projects to support local businesses throughout the pandemic, offering sustainable delivery options and guidance.

Here are some of the schemes and online tools that local businesses can utilise to improve their operations for a sustainable recovery from COVID-19:

Free cargo bike deliveries as part of the Clean Air Villages project

Shared electric vehicles for your deliveries

If you are a business operating in Brixton or Hammersmith and Fulham, take advantage of using the shared electric vehicle schemes, saving you time, money, and emissions.

CRP Clean Air Villages Directory

Is your business already delivering goods and services using fully electric, ultra-low emission vehicles, cargo bikes or by foot? Join our directory today and advertise your business for free!


Answer ten quick questions to receive relevant suggestions that will help you reduce costs, make your operations more efficient and help improve air quality.

Clean Air Route Finder

Some streets have cleaner air than others. Advertise clean air routes to your business by using our recently updated Clean Air Route Finder.

Wondering how to make a switch to faster, cheaper, less polluting modes of transport? See how others are making the change:
Clean Air Villages 1 – case studies
Clean Air Villages 2 – case studies