A Conscious Christmas: Ways to Minimise Your Environmental Impact
14th December 2021 / Posted by Sefinat Otaru“Over the festive season the UK creates 30% more waste than usual.” Biffa.
As we start slowing down for the end of year festivities, let’s take a moment to consider how we can indulge in some of our favourite holiday pastimes, without hurting the earth.
Having lived with the pandemic over the past couple of years, we’ve adjusted to giving and receiving e-cards. If you still prefer to give paper cards, you could upcycle old ones, use charity cards, or specialist retailers that use the proceeds for a green cause.
Give twice over by buying from a charity shop. In addition to second-hand goods, several charities also offer new items. Try reusing wrapping paper, shopping bags, old newspapers, crisp wrappers or old clothes to wrap your present, instead of buying new wrapping paper.
Or, instead of gifting an item, offer a favour or service.
Try a pot-grown living tree, some of which can be kept for several years, or replanted after the holidays. Decorate it with handmade ornaments such as dried fruit or popcorn garlands.
If you’re making a Christmas meal, plan ahead to avoid waste. Done correctly, you could pull together a scrumptious Boxing Day meal from leftovers with minimal effort.
Take the bus, train or carpool, if you can. Can’t avoid flying? Consider an airline carbon offset program. Walk, cycle, or use public transport as much as possible once you’ve reached your destination.
There are lots more pointers about how to reduce our impact over the next few weeks and well into the New Year. Click here for a full version of the infographic in the picture.
Chances are if you’ve considered it, someone else has, too, and found a solution. So look online or ask us – email CRP Project Manager Sefinat Otaru.
Season’s Greetings, everyone!