Marylebone LEN
Number of Project Partners: 10
CRP programme managed the Marylebone Low Emission Neighbourhood (LEN) on behalf of Westminster City Council from 2017 onwards. The programme delivered a range of interventions aimed at tackling the area’s poor air quality, including London’s first emissions-based parking surcharge, electric vehicle charging facilities, a school’s engagement programme, an anti-idling campaign and a series of public realm improvements to improve the environment for walking and cycling. These public realm works incorporated Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) on the highway, improving resilience in the face of changing climate, as well as increasing pedestrian and cycling accessibility, unlocking pockets of green space and opportunities for tree planting.
Jointly working with Marylebone LEN stakeholders, we delivered a programme focused on reducing emissions from freight, and smart delivery and servicing activity in the area. We engaged with hundreds of local businesses and shared best practice through the networks of the project partners across business and civic society.
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