Healthy Streets Everyday II
Project Summary: A 3 year Mayor’s Air Quality Funded programme looking to increase active travel, walking routes, school streets, low emission transport infrastructure, and green infrastructure.
Number of Project Partners:: 14
Lead Borough: Westminster City Council
CRP Project Lead: Ross Phillips
Healthy Streets Everyday II (HSE II) will address the issue of over-dependence on private vehicles, and the associated issues of poor Air Quality, Environment, Safety, Health, and Wellbeing, as part of the Mayor Of London’s latest round of MAQF4 funding. HSE II will build on the success of the MAQF3-funded programme, Healthy Streets Everyday, led by Cross River Partnership (CRP).
HSE II will realise a range of associated opportunities, including increased:
Evidence shows that transport emissions account for 25% of London’s overall emissions and is one of the largest contributors to London’s poor Air Quality. All Healthy Streets Everyday II interventions have been designed to tackle this issue, delivering multiple benefits simultaneously. Healthy Streets Everyday II will address poor Air Quality by:
S Supporting safer spaces
T Transforming travel behaviour
R Reducing emissions and exposure
E Engaging with communities
E Embracing technological advances
T Targeting green infrastructure
S Sustaining best monitoring practice
While the programme has only recently started, project partners are already implementing various interventions. Central District Alliance is creating a green corridor along New Oxford Street, with new planters creating a buffer between pedestrians and vehicles. The London Borough of Lambeth is building on its School Streets scheme under HSE II. Meanwhile, the London Borough of Camden is rolling out its bike rental scheme as part of Peddle My Wheels’ Try Before You Bike scheme, with cargo bikes and ‘standard’ bikes available for hire at affordable rates. We are looking forward to many more interventions to be introduced over the next 3 years!
HSE II project activities have been estimated to bring about the following Air Quality emissions reductions over the 3-year project period:
- 77kg of NOx
- 89kg of PM2.5 and 5.02kg of PM10
- 47,356kg of CO2
For more information on Healthy Streets Everyday II please contact HSE II Project Manager, Ross Phillips.