Healthy Streets Everyday II Steering Group Meeting
7th October 2024 / Posted by Sobastian FrazerLast month we were joined by our 14 project partners and the Greater London Authority (GLA) for our Healthy Streets Everyday II steering group meeting, a 3-year programme promoting active travel and green infrastructure under the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund.
The meeting was held at Westminster City Council and provided an excellent opportunity for our partners to share updates on their exciting HSEII interventions! This was then followed by a site visit to see London Borough of Lambeth’s School Street Plus and Kennington Oval Reimagined projects at St Mark’s Church of England Primary School and Henry Fawcett Primary School in Kennington.
Thank you to all partners for joining us. As HSE II develops, we’re thrilled about the innovative projects and collaborations that lie ahead!
For more information contact CRP Project Lead for Healthy Streets Everyday II, Ross Phillips rossphillips@crossriverpartnership.org.