Celebrating 30 Years of CRP

29th January 2024 / Posted by Katie Smith

2024 marks a major milestone for us here at Cross River Partnership (CRP) as we celebrate 30 years of delivering London’s future together!  

To celebrate CRP’s history, growth and successes, we have launched a 30th anniversary edition of our logo to share throughout 2024.   

Originally formed to deliver cross-river infrastructure projects such as the Millenium Bridge and the Golden Jubilee Footbridges, CRP has since diversified to deliver a wide range of cross-borough, multi-partner regeneration projects. 

We are proud to be continuing to work collaboratively with a diverse network of talented people to deliver innovative solutions that make London fairer, greener and safer! 

CRP currently work with 32 partner organisations across London including business improvement districts, local authorities, and strategic agencies.  

A huge thank you to all of our partners and funders that have supported us throughout our journey! 

CRP Welcomes Two New Interns

29th January 2024 / Posted by Katie Smith

CRP are delighted to welcome two new Zero Emissions Interns to the team who will be supporting across the Smarter Greener Logistics (SGL) programme.  

After studying Geography at Queen Mary University of London, Ilyas is currently completing his Masters in Risk Analysis, Disasters and Resilience at Kings College London 

Josephine is currently completing her Masters in Environment Science for Sustainability at Kings College London

On working at CRP, Ilyas said: “I am thrilled to have joined CRP, everyone has been extremely welcoming and easy going. Throughout university I have learnt about sustainability and air quality in theory, and I am now looking forward to finally put what I have learnt into practice on the varied workstreams with the team.” 

On working at CRP, Josephine said: “I am happy to be working with such an encouraging and collaborative team. I look forward to contributing to various sustainability projects at CRP, as my interests align with many of the ongoing and past projects at CRP. I have had a great start and feel very supported by the team at CRP. I am excited to continue working with CRP through collaboration with stakeholders, making a true impact towards a more sustainable future.” 

CRP’s Collaborative Bid to the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund

29th January 2024 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

CRP has submitted a collaborative application – Healthy Streets Everyday II – to the Mayor’s Air Quality Fund Round 4 (MAQF4).  If successful, the application will build on the success of MAQF3-funded programme Healthy Streets Everyday, led by Cross River Partnership (CRP). 

CRP’s Healthy Streets Everyday II application was supported by 14 partner organisations, including 6 Local Authorities, 6 Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) and 2 strategic agencies.  The bid was led by Westminster City Council, CRP’s accountable body. 

CRP bid for £999,992 MAQF, bringing £1,590,659 in match funding to the application. 

Healthy Streets Everyday II (HSEII) will address the issue of over-dependence on private vehicles, and the associated issues of poor Air Quality, Environment, Safety, Health, and Wellbeing.  HSEII will realise a range of associated opportunities, including increased: 

  • Active travel 
  • Walking routes 
  • Permanent school streets 
  • Low emission transport infrastructure 
  • Green space / planting / rain gardens 

Evidence shows that transport emissions account for 25% of London’s overall emissions and is one of the largest contributors to London’s poor Air Quality. All of the Healthy Streets Everyday II interventions have been designed to tackle this, delivering multiple benefits simultaneously. 

Healthy Streets Everyday II will address poor Air Quality in partnership by: 

S Supporting safer spaces  

T Transforming travel behaviour  

R Reducing emissions and exposure  

E Engaging with communities  

E Embracing technological advances  

T Targeting green infrastructure  

S Sustaining best monitoring practice  

Results will be announced in March 2024! 

For further information, please contact CRP Director Susannah Wilks susannahwilks@crossriverpartnership.org 

CRP Courier Fair

29th January 2024 / Posted by Sarah Meertens

We are just over one week away from our Courier Fair! On Wednesday 7th February 4:30-6pm, 10 – 15 industry leading zero emission couriers – including local and national operators – will exhibit at our in-person fair to meet and build relationships with local authorities, BIDs, strategic agencies and landowners. The Courier Fair is developed as part of our Defra-funded Smarter Greener Logistics (SGL) programme. 

Due to a demand for faster, convenient and more efficient deliveries and a booming ecommerce industry, the Courier, Express and Parcel (CEP) market is growing significantly. Our Courier Fair provides an exciting opportunity for logistics operators and members of the public sector to build closer relationships, share learnings and identify ways to collaborate.  

The event will kick off with a short speech from City of London’s Councillor Mary Durcan, before the 1-1 sit-down discussions between operators and local authorities, BIDs, landowners and strategic agencies begin. 

We have sign-ups from a wide array of visitors and the fair is promising to be a very fruitful event. We are excited for the new connections, opportunities and learnings the fair will bring as we work towards a thriving zero emission courier sector! 

Please reach out to CRP Project Officer Sarah Meertens sarahmeertens@crossriverpartnership.org for any questions regarding the fair. 

SGL Update – Kicking off 2024!

29th January 2024 / Posted by Fiona Coull

It’s the start of a new year and there’s already been lots happening with CRP’s Smarter Greener Logistics (SGL) programme: 

  • CRP has been implementing a noise monitoring strategy for the Waterloo Station Freight Hub Project. This involves using a portable Class 1 Sound Level Meter to measure the noise levels around the station to provide a suitable comparison to potential freight activity that would happen during the week. 
  • We’ve also been developing a brief for a detailed report on freight flows in London. This will help to confirm areas across London that would be good for urban logistics initiatives, such as urban logistics hubs, electric vehicle charging and kerbside management strategies. 
  • Several site visits have taken place as part of the programme-wide Virtual Loading Bay (VLB) trial in collaboration with various SGL partners and GRID Smarter Cities 
  • Business engagement has taken place in Islington along Holloway Road to identify potential host businesses for a new Our Bike scheme in the area. 
  • Data from the first 6 months of The London Light Freight Walking Trial has been analysed. This shows that that 8,819 parcels have been delivered by the UPS E-walker between July and December 2023, and that areas along the Tottenham Court Road and A40 have received the most packages by walking freight. 

As well as all of this, the CRP team have been busy organising the CRP Courier Fair – an in-person event for local authorities, BIDs, strategic agencies and landowners to meet and build relationships with low emission couriers. Read our article for more details here. 

For more information about the project, please email CRP Senior Programme Manager Fiona Coull fionacoull@crossriverpartnership.org

Rail Freight to Grow by at Least 75%

29th January 2024 / Posted by Isidora Rivera Vollmer

In a landmark announcement, the government has set forth an ambitious target to propel rail freight growth by a staggering 75% or more. These plans aim to improve the UK’s freight transportation system, making it more efficient and sustainable. This commitment is a crucial step in cutting down carbon emissions and mitigating the environmental impact of logistics operations.  

The government’s vision aligns seamlessly with ongoing efforts exemplified by Cross River Partnership’s Waterloo Freight Hub project. With a strategic focus on transforming urban logistics, the Waterloo Freight Hub project is set to become a significant contributor in the realisation of the government’s ambitious goals.

The hub aims to revolutionise freight transport into Greater London by bringing more freight into central London via rail rather than via road. Existing undercroft space at Waterloo Station would be used to receive, sort and re-issue the rail freight outwards across much of London, servicing some 3.5 million people and 200,000 businesses. These onward journeys would all be undertaken by clean transport modes, including electric cargo bikes. 

By strategically leveraging rail freight solutions, the Waterloo Freight Hub project echoes the government’s commitment to creating a resilient and sustainable freight network. The project’s objectives highlight its dedication to providing a sustainable solution to the growing demand for freight services in London. 

UK Government sets out pathway for zero emission vehicle transition by 2035

29th January 2024 / Posted by Sobastian Frazer

The UK government has set a pathway towards all new cars and vans being zero emissions by 2035. This pioneering mandate has now become law since the 3rd of January 2024. The mandate is expected to help both the car and manufacturing industries to safeguard jobs and staff certainty.      

The zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate sets out the percentage of new zero emission cars and vans manufacturers will be required to produce each year up to 2030. 80% of new cars and 70% of new vans sold in Great Britain will now be zero emission by 2030, increasing to 100% by 2035. 

Akira Kirton, bp pulse UK Vice President, said, “this mandate instils confidence in our strategy, reaffirming our plans to invest £1 billion over 10 years to continue to develop hundreds of EV charging hubs across the country by 2030 to bolster the UK’s charging infrastructure.” 

Back in September 2023, Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, had pushed back the ban on new diesel and petrol cars to 2035, due to concerns around high costs, availability of new electric cars, lack of charging infrastructure and practicality for small businesses. However, by making the mandate law, the government hopes this demonstrates a firm commitment towards their pathway for zero emission vehicle transition by 2035. Also, placing the UK in line with other major global economies such as Canada, France, Germany and Sweden. 

The EV charging network continues to grow within the UK, according to Zapmap, the UK has surpassed 50,000 charge points, reaffirming confidence in the UK’s target of providing 300,000 charge points by 2030. The ZEV mandate will help provide the stability the industry requires, build confidence to invest in more infrastructure, and providing long-term certainty to continue growth.  

Find out more: Pathway for zero emission vehicle transition by 2035 becomes law – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Reflecting on 2023!

12th December 2023 / Posted by Susannah Wilks

CRP and its partners have a huge amount to be really proud of that we achieved together during 2023! 

We have:  

to name but a few! 

We would like to thank all of our partners and funders for your incredible support throughout 2023, and we look forward to Delivering London’s Future Together throughout 2024 and beyond! 

Have a wonderful Festive Season! 

CRP Director Susannah Wilks

Smarter Greener Logistics (SGL) | Update

12th December 2023 / Posted by Guillaume Strebelle

As the year comes to a close, CRP are reflecting on what’s been a fantastic start to the delivery of the Defra-funded Smarter Greener Logistics (SGL) programme!  

While it has only been 6 months since the launch of the programme, CRP have encouraging and exciting updates to share with you below: 

  • CRP will be supporting a 6-month micro-logistics hub in the undercroft of Waterloo Station.
  • CRP’s Pimlico Hub has removed 3,260kg CO2 over 7 months, and other hubs are in the pipeline.
  • CRP will enable up to 6 local authorities to trial virtual loading bays in 2 locations, improving air quality and reduce congestion levels.
  • CRP will support the installation of parcel lockers in Richmond, Wandsworth, Hackney and potentially other locations.
  • Fully fund and support the installation of electric charging infrastructure at up to 3 agreed locations. 
  • Reduce carbon emissions by incorporating cargo bikes or walking freight as part of the last-mile delivery. 
  • CRP is acting as a bridge between local authorities and logistics operators, encouraging and enabling a shift towards low-carbon logistics. 
  • CRP is monitoring benefits of being part of the SGL programme in terms of Nitrogen Dioxide / Oxides, Particulate Matter (2.5 & 10) and Carbon Dioxide. 
  • Support the integration of river freight with parcel lockers, virtual loading bays, and low emission onward delivery. 

Find out more about the SGL programme here.  

For regular updates on the various SGL projects, be sure to sign up to our newsletter. 

Focussing on Freight at the Thames & London Waterways Forum

12th December 2023 / Posted by Fiona Coull

CRP’s Senior Programme Manager, Fiona Coull, was delighted to have sat on the ‘Planning and Freight’ Panel as part of the annual Thames & London Waterways Forum earlier this month. 

The forum, which was organised by the Port of London Authority (PLA), Transport for London (TfL) and Greater London Authority (GLA), was a brilliant opportunity to connect various stakeholders to discuss the region’s blue spaces.   

Following a keynote speech on integrating the river into London’s transport network from Deputy Mayor for Transport, Seb Dance, the ‘Planning and Freight’ Panel discussed the opportunity that the Thames provides as an environmentally friendly freight solution.  

During the panel, CRP’s ‘London Light Freight River Trial’ was referenced as a key case study to highlight the logistics opportunities that The Thames can provide. The trial, which was London’s first daily, multi-supplier, river freight trial that incorporated return deliveries, removed 3 vans from London’s roads, increased efficiency, improved reliability and resulted in emissions savings of 92% for NOx, 96% for CO2, 79% for PM10 and 78% for PM2.5. 

The panel also discussed the key opportunities and barriers for organisations looking to use the river for freight. Opportunities included drivers around sustainability, efficiency and reliability, however barriers focussed on infrastructure, economic viability / scale and the current complexities in terms of enabling businesses to start using the river. 

For more information, please contact CRP Senior Programme Manager Fiona Coull, fionacoull@crossriverpartnership.org