Mayor’s Construction Employer Accord

Mayor’s Construction Employer Accord

Active Dates: April 2010 - March 2014
Number of Project Partners: 14
CRP Project Lead: Carol Quamina

The Construction Employer Accord (CEA) project was developed in response to the Greater London Authority’s Employment & Skills Legacy Programme, the primary remit of which was to get long-term economically and inactive people into sustainable work by avoiding duplication of support with other mainstream employment support programmes.

The CEA was a pilot project to essentially test ways in which opportunities in the London construction sector could be opened-up to enable workless Londoners without appropriate skills and lack of networks to access them, thus making them more able to compete for those opportunities whilst acquiring the right skills to sustain work within the sector. With delivery partners engaging with other employers in their supply chain to identify upcoming opportunities in advance, it allowed sufficient time to provide pre-employment support and targeted construction industry training to those furthest from the labour market putting them in a better position to be able to compete for jobs within the industry.

The project was successfully managed by CRP working in partnership with a range a delivery partners from both the private sector, the public sector and social enterprises including:

  • Barking & Dagenham College
  • Be Onsite
  • Building Lives
  • London Borough of Camden (lead) with London Borough of Islington
  • Circle Housing
  • Lakehouse
  • London Borough of Lambeth
  • Mace Sustain
  • Olympic Delivery Authority
  • K10

The project, delivered between April 2010 to March 2014, had extremely strong performance against outputs and outcomes, over-achieving against four of the five targets set for the project, as shown below:

OutputTargetAchieved% Achievement
Employment Support1,3221,675126.7
Skills Development138353255.8
Job Starts574920160.3
26-week sustained work572676118.2
52-week sustained work57250588.3

For further information, please refer to the Construction Employer Accord Final Evaluation document below.

Project Partners

Useful Downloads & Links

Construction Employer Accord Final Evaluation
Recruit, Train, Provide, Support