Freight Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe

Freight Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe

Active Dates: March 2013 - September 2017
Number of Project Partners: 32
CRP Project Lead: Susannah Wilks

Addressing the environmental impacts of urban freight movements, the FREVUE project deployed 86 fully electric vans and trucks across eight European cities, from small car derived vans to 18-tonne trucks.

Environmental benefits of electric freight vehicles are significant. The data for this analysis, collected from 105 vehicles, shows that their deployment alone led to NOx savings of up to 2,000 kg and PM10 savings of over 70 kg.

These environmental benefits translate into significant cost savings too. For example, if in London alone we could electrify 10% of the freight fleet by 2021, we could save over £900 million in reduced health impacts and abatement costs annually.

Overall, the FREVUE results show that electric vans and trucks are well suited to inner city freight operations and the range of vehicles currently available on the market is suitable for the majority of operations.

Visit the FREVUE website See all FREVUE Reports

Project Partners

ARUP ATOS Breytner Bring Campus Friends City of Madrid City of Milan City of Oslo City of Rotterdam City of Stockholm CML CTT EMEL Fortum Markets Heineken HyER Imperial College London ITENE Nissan Pascual Polis SEUR SINTEF Smith Electrci Vehicles STA TNO TNT Transport for London UK Power Networks UPS Westminster City Council

Useful Downloads & Links

Freight Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe - Final Report
Economics of EVs for City Logistics - Report
Freight Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe
Systemic Transport and Environmental Impact of EFVs in Logistics
Freight Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe
Report on attitudinal and social impacts of EFVs
Freight Electric Vehicles in Urban Europe
Policies, Procurement Mechanisms and Governance