Freight, logistics and the planning system: Call for evidence

10th October 2023 / Posted by Katherine Fairfax

CRP recently submitted a response to the Department for Transport and Department for Levelling Up, Housing and CommunitiesFreight, logistics and the planning system: call for evidence 

CRP has provided detailed evidence drawing on our range of case studies and trials delivered as part of Clean Air Logistics for London and our current Smarter Greener Logistics programme. 

CRP’s freight-related expertise is wide-ranging, and includes focus on:  

  • Micro Logistics Hubs – spatial planning, possible locations/spaces
  • Rail Freight potential at Waterloo Station – spatial planning, permitted development, prioritising freight/logistics-handling uses over further retail 
  • Cargo bike logistics
  • River freight 
  • Walking freight 
  • Freight/logistics-related trials 
  • Parcel lockers

For further information, please contact CRP Director Susannah Wilks