CRP’s Positive Outlook for 2021
19th January 2021 / Posted by Susannah WilksAlong with all our partner organisations, the CRP team is starting off 2021 virtually, with the aim of getting back to our wonderful Westminster City Council offices as soon as it is safer for everyone. A huge thank you for Councillor Rachael Robathan’s amazing Leadership and support to all Westminster’s staff, businesses, residents and services at this time.
CRP has big plans for 2021 and has already begun work on its 2021-22 Business Plan, more information in due course. We hope you like CRP’s brand new look and feel E-Newsletter style for 2021 – thank you very much to CRP’s Rachael Aldridge for the design work!
CRP’s Clean Air Villages 3 project continues to deliver at pace, including supporting various local community organisations with emergency food deliveries via cargo bikes to vulnerable people.
CRP has planned out a series of virtual monthly Lunchtime Launches to share its latest knowledge, resources, reports and best practice as widely as possible. The first of these is at 13.15-14.00 on Thursday 28th January, on the hot topic of Freight and the potential provision of new distribution hubs in central London. Please see here to register.
CRP is eagerly awaiting the outcome of its most recent collaborative funding bid to Defra – please keep your finger’s crossed for us! We are also in active discussions with extra potential CRP partners, as well as delivering a bespoke consultancy-style contract.
The CRP team is continuing to put its best foot forward on behalf of all of our partners and funders, including accessing, analysing and presenting new data sources; using additional desktop publishing packages; on-line media interview training; new Walk and Talk sessions, to name but a few.
Looking to the future, CRP has commissioned Centre for London to work with the CRP Board partners and Transport for London’s CLSRTP group to explore radical new Town Centre Futures across London.
We don’t under-estimate the scale of the challenges still ahead for us, but building on the resilience that all of us in London and further afield have shown already, we are supremely positive about ever-increasing collaborations to deliver fulfilling futures for as many people as possible.
If you would like to find out anything further to do with CRP, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Director Susannah Wilks.