Centre for London and CRP: Town Centre Futures
19th January 2021 / Posted by CRP TeamThe COVID-19 pandemic has presented a unique opportunity to create a greener, cleaner recovery, and enhance the roles of all of London’s Centres moving forward. CRP is very pleased to launch a new research project: Town Centre Futures. This will provide practical recommendations for London’s key players, inter-linking transport, economic, environmental, cultural and health aspects of London’s future.
This research, delivered by Centre for London, will focus on up to 12 typologies across London, covering London’s major centres, district centres and neighbourhood centres. London has created an enormous value based on collaboration and innovation, and this report aims to bring together partners from across London to emphasis and build on this.
This study forms part of the Transport for London-funded Central London Sub-Regional Transport Partnership
(CLSRTP). CLSRTP enables collaboration and information-sharing between partner boroughs on key sub-regional transport priorities.
This study work will take place between January and the end of March 2021, with the study being ready for implementation in the new financial year, starting 1st April 2021. Short, medium and long term recommendations will be made throughout the report on how London’s Centres can work together and transform to deliver futures that are successful economically, environmentally and socially.
To find out more, please visit the Town Centre Futures project page or contact CRP Project Officer Rachael Aldridge.