Celebrate Trees with the Urban Tree Festival
10th May 2024 / Posted by Ross PhillipsThe Urban Tree Festival is an annual community celebration of trees, including their benefits, beauty, majesty, and magic, in cities, towns and all urban environments.
Events, celebrations, walks, talks and storytelling are held across London and the UK, bringing all our communities together to educate, inspire and share their enjoyment of trees.
CRP are continuing to make streets healthier, greener, safer and more pedestrian-friendly through the Just Streets and Healthy Streets Everyday II programmes. You can also read about all of the benefits of greening and it’s impact on air quality, temperature, sustainable drainage and mental health through CRP’s Greening Out the Grey guidance document from Healthy Streets Everyday.
As we approach the warmer summer months, tree cover can be an excellent source of shade and shelter, so check out the Greater London Authority’s Cool Spaces map to find your local spots of shade: https://apps.london.gov.uk/cool-spaces/
You can find out more about the Urban Tree Festival here: https://urbantreefestival.org/