Smarter Greener Logistics Update

25th September 2023 / Posted by Fiona Coull

We’ve nearly finished the first quarter of CRP’s Smarter Greener Logistics Programme! The programme has got off to a flying start with several opportunities and trials being developed in collaboration with our partners. Here are just a few that the CRP team have been working on: 

  •  Isidora has been identifying potential sites for urban logistics hubs that can support low emission deliveries in SGL partner areas. Low emissions couriers have also been contacted about these sites to help develop areas that will fit in with their long-term plans and aspirations. We’re still finalising the various options and Isidora will keep partners updated as things progress! 
  • Katherine has been working with Grid Smarter Cities to develop a virtual loading bay trial that will be open to all SGL partners. Partners will be able to test Grids virtual loading bay technology in identified locations, helping to better understand the benefits and opportunities that could be provided by kerbside management solutions. 
  • Charlie has been supporting the City Soil Lab Project in Bethnal Green. The project focuses on the circular economy and aims to turn neighbourhood food waste into soil to be used in community gardening and food projects. Plans to collect food waste by cargo bike as part of the scheme are progressing (and is where Charlie is providing his expertise).  
  • Sefinat has been working to develop a questionnaire for businesses to support them with their fleet electrification. As part of this Sefinat has been liaising closely with EV charging providers to understand the various solutions we could provide through SGL. The questionnaire will be shared with all partners so that it can be sent to their various business networks. 
  • Sobastian has been supporting the expansion of the ‘Our Bike’ scheme in several SGL partner areas. OurBike is a shared community cargo bike scheme that enables residents and businesses to hire an electric cargo bike by the hour, supporting more low emission trips in the local area. 
  • Ross has been working with Network Rail and other partners to progress the Waterloo logistics hub. The aim is to carry out a road-fed urban logistics trial in the undercroft area beneath Waterloo Station. Rail fed freight will then be introduced as the scheme progresses, highlighting the opportunity for rail freight at major London stations. 

To find out more about the SGL Programme, please contact Senior Programme Manager Fiona Coull