Rail Freight into London
30th June 2023 / Posted by Susannah WilksCRP is continuing its work with the Great British Railways Transition Team (GBRTT), Network Rail (NWR) and the Department for Transport (DfT) to try to get more freight into London via rail rather than via road.
The rise of low-volume, high-margin markets requiring fast delivery, such as fast-fashion, have been identified as being suitable for fast rail freight. 4,000 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) could be saved each year by using rail freight, which could take 8,300 HGVs off the road.
As part of its Clean Air Logistics for London (CALL) and Smarter Greener Logistics (SGL) programmes, CRP has been busy commissioning transport consultants Steer and Intermodality to model the beneficial impacts of bringing more freight into London via rail, and then delivering it across London via zero emission modes such as e-cargo bikes.
Results will be available over the summer, but we are anticipating that they could include significant job creation and economic opportunities as well as huge positive environmental benefits for Londoners.
For more information please contact CRP Director Susannah Wilks – susannahwilks@crossriverpartnership.org or CRP Sustainable Transport Manager Ross Phillips – rossphillips@crossriverpartnership.org