World Car Free Day 22nd Sept 2017

22nd August 2017 / Posted by CRP Team

World Car Free Day 2017 (WCFD) is fast approaching giving us all the opportunity to get out of our vehicles and use alternative modes to get around our city. It is a great opportunity for CRP partners to showcase the great work being done to encourage more walking, cycling, public transport, consolidated deliveries all improve the air quality in central London and make our streets healthier.

It is linked to European Mobility Week which is an EU-sponsored week-long event culminating in a car free day on the last day. This year CRP will be joining the campaign digitally and want to encourage partners to pledge their support and tweet on the day about how you get around without the car.

You can download below example tweets and pledges for the day. We would love to see some of your interventions showcased e.g. parklets, cycle infrastructure, walking routes, click.collect promotions and any car free event you are holding on the day.

Cross River Partnership will be coordinating a community green street on 22nd September to align to World Car Free Day on Luxborough Street in the Marylebone Low Emission Neighbourhood.

For more information contact Deliver London Programme Manager – Vicky Keeble


WCFD2017 Sample Tweets & Pledges