Ultra Low Roadshow – Private Hire video
23rd May 2016 / Posted by CRP TeamIn February, Cross River Partnership worked with Transport for London and assisted by the ‘Go Ultra Low’ campaign delivered an event for the private hire industry about the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) and new electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles.
The event brought together suppliers and experts to explain how ultra-low emission vehicles – electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids – can be a great choice for London’s private hire drivers and operators, as well as helping to improve the city’s air quality.
With a range of vehicles suitable for the private hire industry on display, stalls and exhibits offering expertise and services on ultra-low emission vehicles, it provided something for everybody.
CRP has produced a brief video through its Clean Air Better Business programme summarising the upcoming ULEZ and promoting what is available to the industry.
To view the video click here