Smarter Greener Logistics Update
10th October 2023 / Posted by Fiona CoullAnother month has gone by of CRP’s Smarter Greener Logistics Programme and as usual the team have been working hard to get various programme schemes and initiatives off the ground!
This month has been a particularly big month for CRP’s Waterloo development work, with several reports and models being finalised and completed. These will be officially launched at CRP’s next CRP Conversations event, taking place in the Lord Mayors Parlour on Wednesday 11th of October (see here for more details). We would love to see you all there!
This month has also been particularly successful for the SGL Hub workstream. Over the last few weeks, CRP and Westminster City Council announced an extension of the Pimlico hub enabling low emission deliveries to be carried out for another 3 months in the Westminster area and beyond. Similarly, the Southside Shopping Centre Hub also successfully completed its first whole month of deliveries! These are both excellent outcomes, helping to improve air quality across London.
Finally, the end of October marks the deadline for CRP’s first quarterly report to Defra on the SGL programme. As part of this, all SGL Partners have been asked to complete their ‘Partner In Kind Match Funding Template’ by COP Friday 13th of October. This information is essential to feed into the quarterly reporting.
To find out more about the SGL Programme, or to get support regarding your Match Funding Template, please contact Senior Programme Manager Fiona Coull fionacoull@crossriverpartnership.org