SGL April Update – Moving Towards Delivery

16th April 2024 / Posted by Fiona Coull

The start of the new financial year marks the half way point for CRP’s Smarter Greener Logistics (SGL) programme! Although a lot has been achieved in the last 6 months, April marks a key milestone where our focus shifts from project development to project delivery. 

Consequently, this month has seen the start of three exciting initiatives as part of the SGL programme: 

  • CRP has been working with London Borough of Tower Hamlets and City Soil Lab to pilot a circular waste scheme in and around Bethnal Green. The scheme, which includes taking food waste from local businesses and residents and converting it to fertiliser, started this month. Cargo bikes will be used to transport the food waste to the composter and then on to the final users. 
  • This month we also had the kick off for our London Wide Freight Flow Study. CRP has commissioned the consultants Steer to undertake the research, which will support future planning and decision-making in Greater London on issues relating to making logistics activity more efficient, cleaner, greener and safer. 
  • This month we also installed air quality and noise monitors in collaboration with London Borough of Merton and Willow Lane BID. These will enable us to carry out 6 months of air quality and noise monitoring in the BID area, helping to quantify perceived air quality and noise problems and to provide potential solutions. 

Make sure to look out for more exciting developments in May! 

To find out more contact CRP Senior Programme Manager Fiona Coull