Reducing Air Pollution could boost UK Economy by £1.6bn a year
21st September 2020 / Posted by CRP TeamA new study produced by CBI Economics, on behalf of the Clean Air Fund, has said 3 million working days are lost every single year because of air pollution.
According to the report, improving air pollution targets in line with World Health Organisation guidelines could not only prevent 17,000 premature deaths every single year, but it could also boost the economy by reducing premature deaths, sickness absence and lower productivity at work. This £1.6bn benefit would be on top of savings to NHS and social care budgets from treating fewer patients with health conditions associated with air pollution.
Now is the time to act on air pollution. Are you located in one of our village areas? Please see our Clean Air Villages page and get in touch.
For more information, please contact CAV Project Manager Kate Fenton.