Recruit London Q3 Performance
16th January 2019 / Posted by CRP TeamIn Quarter 3 (October – December 2018), Recruit London supported 167 people, putting 73 of them into employment. As we are working with more people that have been long term unemployed, we have been creating more interim measures such as work trials, work experience and placements to get candidates ready for ongoing work.
We are on course to achieve all our targets.
Our most challenging target is jobs sustained for 6 months sustained. This is not because our candidates are not sustaining, but more to do with the collection of evidence. Once people are in work, it becomes difficult to arrange meetings with them for evidence collection. We have already started contacting candidates and arranging for on-site visits. We are also increasing on-line evidence collection, including via our newly-designed on-line registration and monitoring forms.
For more information please contact Sylvia Kankasa, CRP’s Recruit London Programme Manager.