Recruit London and Joint Working
10th December 2018 / Posted by CRP TeamAs part of CRP’s Recruit London team, my role is to support unemployed Westminster residents with disabilities into employment, thus match the jobs that we generate to candidates looking for work.
I lead on meeting candidates from Marylebone DWP, where I sit 1 day a week. I meet new signings to Universal Credit as well as other benefit claimants that are deemed ready to return to work. I firstly meet the candidates in a team, where I tell them about our service and then meet them individually for an initial advice and guidance session. I sign up the candidates that fit my remit while feeding the rest to the wider Recruit London team.
In addition, I lead on joint working with The Regeneration Base team on Church Street, which is part of the Westminster Employment Service (WES). Joint work involves working closely with the WES coaches by supporting the job brokerage side of the process.
In the month of November, I am happy to report that I
- Registered 15 unemployed residents, 6 of who I will be supporting with
- Secured 1 job start; and
- Am waiting to hear from 2 interviews and 4 potential job starts in the pipeline.
For more information please get in contact with Michaella Jackson.