Lighting up Wandsworth
27th February 2018 / Posted by CRP TeamThe CRP-managed Central London Sub Regional Transport Partnership (CLSRTP) is working with London Borough of Wandsworth to deliver a Healthy Streets project on Ravenet Street. This was recently publicised by our project partners online on the Council’s website and on twitter.
By using the healthy streets check we will measure the impact of interventions to improve the walking and cycling experience. In addition to the physical changes, we have commissioned some local public art to add to the ‘things to see and do’ while using this route.
This is a great example of partnership working as the project has received support from the local Councillor. The Council’s transport and environment spokesman Councillor Jonathan Cook said: “This is an important local short cut for many people and these improvements will make it a lot more welcoming and a lot safer.”
For further information, please contact CRP’s Uto Patrick