Launching Towards Vision Zero
27th June 2022 / Posted by Ross PhillipsCRP has launched our latest guidance document, Towards Vision Zero: Guidelines to help Local Authorities in the development of Road Danger Reduction Strategies and Action Plans, as part of the Central London Sub-Regional Transport Partnership (CLSRTP).
The guidance document provides key recommendations about how local authorities, BIDs and landowners can implement successful streetscape and traffic infrastructure that reduces collisions and casualties on the road network. The analysis, conducted by Steer, explores collision trend data over 5 years from 2016-2020, analysis 10 case studies and their success stories in detail across partner boroughs, and finally delivers the recommendations for achieving Vision Zero.
Vision Zero is a key strategic priority for our CLSRTP partners boroughs, TfL and the Mayor and CRP are keen to support our partners and all Londoners working and using streets to make them safer.
If you have any questions about the guidance document, please email Ross Phillips at rossphillips@crossriverpartnership.org