Getting Around London
16th June 2020 / Posted by Sefinat OtaruThis week, Londoners will once more be able to visit shops and places of worship. They may find it tricky to move around while maintaining physical distancing. CRP’s Clean Air Route Finder is a useful journey planner for active travellers – mainly – pedestrians and cyclists – with the additional benefit of highlighting the average amount of air pollution along a given route.
CRP Strategic Partner, Transport for London, is working with London’s boroughs to create more space on the roads for active travellers via its Streetspace for London Plan. Additionally, to help maintain distancing on public transport, the number of passengers on public transport will be capped – some may find it more convenient to walk or cycle for some or all their trip.
CRP has years of experience of making active travel a healthy, pleasant experience for Londoners. Previous reports include:
– Walkable London: Best Practice Guide for a Walkable City
– The Walking Tube Report in Central London: A feasibility and implementation Guide
– Clean Air Walking Routes: Monitoring Reports
For more information, please contact CRP Project Manager, Sefinat Otaru.