CLSRTP study featured at the London Cycling and Walking Conference
11th June 2019 / Posted by CRP TeamCRP has published a report on the potential of cycle logistics in central London, as part of our role co-ordinating the Central London Sub-Regional Transport Partnership (CLSRTP). The report was featured at the recent London Cycling and Walking Conference, jointly hosted by the London Borough of Hackney and City of London Corporation.
The study, carried out by Element Energy, examined what inner-city local authorities can do to support this growing phenomenon, which combats many of the negative externalities of freight activity. Engagement with customers, Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) the growing cycle logistics sector, and borough officers, led to recommendations that demonstrate the possibilities for collaboration with BIDs and others to target interventions to support the growth of cycle logistics.
Thank you to all those individuals and organisations who contributed to the study. We look forward to seeing many more innovative applications for cycling logistics in the near future.
The report is now available to download from the CRP website.