Camden Town Unlimited – Pool Bike scheme
28th July 2015 / Posted by CRP TeamCamden Town Unlimited (CTU) has partnered with Cross River Partnership through the Clean Air Better Business programme to improve London’s air quality through behaviour change activities, interventions and campaigns in Camden Town.
CTU now have two Brompton folding bicycles for member businesses’ use as pool bikes – for free. The bikes have been very well received and companies can join the waiting list to have the bikes for 2 months at a time. They are currently with KSR Architects. The CTU pool bike scheme provides access to the bikes, helmet, reflector jacket, lock and trip computer which helps us track how much usage and mileage the bikes have delivered.
This initiative promotes healthy, sustainable travel for employees for work trips during the day and errands. CTU will be supported in developing an area based travel plan with the objective of having a strategic plan for accessibility in the Camden Town area.
If you’d like to find out more or sign your company up to the waiting list then contact Jessica Behar