London Climate Action Week (22nd – 30th June)

25th June 2024 / Posted by Sarah Meertens

This week marks the 6th annual London Climate Action Week (LCAW)! 

The aim of the festival is to bring together world-leading climate professionals and organisations from London and across the globe with local individuals and communities to explore the complex realities of London in relation to global climate action. The festival sees over 300 diverse events taking place throughout the week of 22-30 June 2024. 

This year, the conference especially addresses the following key themes: 

  1. The road to climate ambition at COP 30.
  2. Financing the global climate transition.
  3. Delivering a net zero and resilient UK.
  4. Mobilising the whole of society for climate action.

To learn more about the conference and how to sign up to its many exciting events, check out LCAW’s website here:  

Collaboration and partnership-working are at the heart of CRP and are vital for innovative and inclusive climate action strategies. By pooling resources, knowledge, and expertise, we can enable more effective and comprehensive solutions. 

Some of our most recent partnership projects promote green infrastructure and reduce the reliance on private vehicles include HORIZON Europe-funded JUST STREET programme and the Mayor of London-funded Healthy Streets Everyday II programme, contributing to a more sustainable and resilient city.