Walkable London a best practice guide for a walkable city
23rd June 2017 / Posted by CRP TeamCross River Partnership (CRP) alongside the Mayor of London has launched Walkable London: Best practice guide for a walkable city showcasing the innovative hot-off-the-press case studies of our central London Business Improvement District and borough partners.
With an introduction by Walking and Cycling Commissioner Will Norman, the best practice guide, demonstrates how walking offers an affordable solution to some of our most complex urban challenges. Walking not only brings health benefits, it makes us happier, it helps bring communities together, it boosts local economies and above all it’s a fun way to explore our great city.
The best practice guide demonstrates how a range of local interventions such as greening, lighting and seating can have a big impact on our walking experience. Promoting walking need not require a big budget and a range of small interventions over time can have a huge benefit.
The toolkit was launched last week to coincide with National Clean Air Action Day and CRP’s Clean Air Walking Routes initiative.
For more information please contact Jane Overington at janeoverington@crossriverpartnership.org.