Vivacity Monitoring Complete
27th July 2022 / Posted by CRP TeamCRP has completed another three months of data analysis and monitoring services for traffic and movement data for CRP Board and project partner South Bank BID. This continues to support South Bank BID with its public realm evidence-based decision-making across the area around some of London’s top landmarks, tourist attractions and hospitality centres.
CRP has been analysing data collected by five traffic sensors across the BID area, supplied by VivaCity, that collect traffic data using artificial intelligence and machine learning. The sensors collect live traffic count data from pedestrians and cyclists, all the way up to cars, vans, buses and lorries, and give a detailed insight into how the area is used each day. CRP’s most recent data analysis period was from 1st April – 30th June this year.
CRP has been supporting South Bank BID with data analysis and monitoring services for two years to understand the movements of pedestrians, cyclists and motorised vehicles in the area, so that they can make the space as enjoyable and pedestrian friendly as possible.
If you would like to hear more about CRP’s data analysis and monitoring services, please get in touch with CRP Sustainable Transport Manager Ross Phillips – rossphillips@crossriverpartnership.org